Tags: web 


# Please Challenge Writeup (03/10/2021)
As the name suggests, this challenge requires you to adjust your requests according to the server in order to retrieve the flag.

## 1. Examine the target

The target consists of a page asking you to provide an username.
Let's try a random one (cptee):

It seems that Clancy is the only username that can access the website.

## 2. Submit Clancy as the Username
When we submit Clancy as the username, a different error is shown:

That's is odd. Let's try analyzing our request with Burp Suite.

## 3. Admin_Access Flag

There is a flag called Admin_Access set as False.
Switch it to True and the following happens:

Seems like we have the wrong browser.
Refresh the page and send the request to Burp's Repeater.

## 4. User-Agent
Since the server will only accept requests from DeemaBrowser, by changing our User-Agent we can bypass this requirement.


## 5. Basic Authentication
We have to provide an Authorization Header with "What'sTheMagicWord?" as the passphrase. Please add the header below to your request:

Authorization: Basic <credentials>

Substitute credentials to What'sTheMagicWord? base64 encoded

Authorization: Basic V2hhdCdzVGhlTWFnaWNXb3JkPw==


Seems like we also need to provide a date in order to access the files.

## 6. Date
Date: <day-name>, <day> <month> <year> <hour>:<minute>:<second> GMT

Let's provide a date in April 2021 and analyze the response:
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 12:00:00 GMT

Change the date to Monday, 5th of April:
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 12:00:00 GMT

Retrieve the Flag and that's it!

Thank you for reading.

Original writeup (https://github.com/cptee/ctf/blob/main/DeconstruCT.F%202021/Please.md).