Tags: misc

> Run file command on Linux, we see that flag.txt is a bzip2 compressed data.
> Proceed to try to decompress...
> Seems like there are many embedded files. Moreover, it is not limited to bzip2 data. There are also zip files.
> Intended solution involves writing a script as shown [here](https://github.com/DownUnderCTF/Challenges_2021_Public/tree/main/misc/rabbit). However, we will be doing it manually using [7zip](https://www.7-zip.org/download.html).
> These are the steps:
1. Rename file extention from .txt to .zip
2. 7zip->Open Archive
3. Ctrl+PgDn for about a minute until reach the end.
4. Open last flag file --> RFVDVEZ7YmFidXNoa2FzX3YwZGthX3dhc19oM3IzfQ==
5. Base64 decode --> DUCTF{babushkas_v0dka_was_h3r3}
> Process takes about 1-2 minutes, which is way faster than writing a script. Watch the video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzBfIV-mJwU).
> This method is inspired by a similar challenge I did during BCACTF2.0 - [Infinite Zip](https://github.com/Rookie441/CTF/blob/main/Storage/Writeups/BCACTF2.0_Writeup.md#infinite-zip).
> My solution won the "Best Write Up with an Unintended Solution" prize money of AUD$50. [twitter link](https://twitter.com/DownUnderCTF/status/1452544420448858119).