# Web
## Swaggy
Category: Web
Difficulty: Easy
This API documentation has all the swag
### Solve

There is a weak password here, `admin, admin`

After log in, we test the api and get the flag.
## Confidentiality
Category: Web
Difficulty: Easy
My school was trying to teach people about the CIA triad so they made all these dumb example applications... as if they know anything about information security. Can you prove these aren't so secure?
### Solution

It is a command injection.
## Integrity
Category: Web
Difficulty: Medium
My school was trying to teach people about the CIA triad so they made all these dumb example applications... as if they know anything about information security.
Supposedly they learned their lesson and tried to make this one more secure. Can you prove it is still vulnerable?
### Solution

Command injection bypass filter `\n`
I have used MaxHackbar addon for this challenge.After installing this addon/extension,the steps is as under:
1) You need to click on Load URL first to load the URL.
2) You need to type ```file=\ncat flag.txt``` as your post data to get the contents of the flag.txt file. And hence you will get the flag.
command injection cheatsheet: https://hackersonlineclub.com/command-injection-cheatsheet/
Note : Addon/Extension used here is available on https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/ .
## OPA Secrets
Category: Web
Difficulty: Hard
OPA! Check out our new secret management service
### Solution
This is a code audit challenge.
After we look around the website, we find source code of the website.

The flag is hidden in the secret. We may use the secret id to get the flag.

The getValue function will return the value of secrete.

The get secret function will return value without check user session id.

We make up the post and change the secret id to get the flag