Rating: 0

Unzipping the given zip file with `unzip challenge.zip` gives us `puzzle.jpg`.

There are some interesting *strings* in it.

$ strings puzzle.jpg
So, there must be *embedded* files in the image.

Let's use [binwalk](https://tools.kali.org/forensics/binwalk) to extract those files.
$ binwalk -e puzzle.jpg
$ ls
challenge.zip puzzle.jpg _puzzle.jpg.extracted
$ cd _puzzle.jpg.extracted/
$ ls
47041.zip flag.zip puzzle.png
$ unzip flag.zip
Archive: flag.zip
skipping: flag.txt unsupported compression method 99
We can see that there is `flag.txt` in `flag.zip`. But we can't unzip because *zip* says "unsupported compression method 99".

I searched online for this problem and in [here](https://access.redhat.com/solutions/59700) it says


So, we can use *7zip* to extract `flag.txt` file.

$ 7z e flag.zip
Enter password (will not be echoed):
But, we don't know the **password**.

Let's leave `flag.zip` for now and check other files.

### puzzle.png (file got from extracting puzzle.jpg)
First line is `12`.

In second line, we put `1` at the beginning and count how many of what numbers is in the *previous* line.There are one `1` and one `2`.So, [one `1`] becomes `11` and [one `2`] becomes `12`.And, we will get `11112`.

In third line, we put `2` at the beginning.There are four `1` and one `2` in the *previous* line. So, we will get `24112`.

So, the `?` will be `61542142311`.

Let's try that as `password`.

$ 7z e flag.zip
Enter password (will not be echoed):
Everything is Ok

Size: 80
Compressed: 296
$ ls
47041.zip flag.txt flag.zip puzzle.png
$ cat flag.txt
There is **base64** encoded string in `flag.txt`.

We can decode it with `base64 -d flag.txt`.

$ base64 -d flag.txt
**Base64** decoding gives us a string which is **ROT13**ed.
$ base64 -d flag.txt | python -c 'import sys; print sys.stdin.read().decode("rot13")'
So the **flag** is `TMUCTF{D3l_Z3_D4574m_R4f70_J4n_H4m_B1_D3l0_J4n_Ch00n_K0n4m}`.

Original writeup (https://github.com/MikelAcker/CTF_WRITEUPS_2021/tree/main/TMUCTF_2021_Writeup/Misc/Puzzle).