Please view the [original writeup](https://infosecstreams.github.io/allesctf2021/sanitycheck/) here: https://infosecstreams.github.io/allesctf2021/sanitycheck/
# Sanity Check
Writeup by: [GoProSlowYo](https://github.com/GoProSlowYo)
Team: [OnlyFeet](https://ctftime.org/team/144644)
Writeup URL: [GitHub](https://infosecstreams.github.io/allesctf2021/sanitycheck/)
You aren't a ?, right?
## Are you...
This is essentially the `README.md` of CTFs. Let's launch the challenge and look for the strongly hinted-at `robots.txt` file.

Let's check for a robots.txt...
## A Robots.txt?

## Victory
Submit the flag and claim the points: