Rating: 3.0
# <https://git.lain.faith/BLAHAJ/writeups/src/branch/writeups/2021/corctf/4096>
# 4096
by [haskal](https://awoo.systems)
crypto / 360 pts / 219 solves
>I heard 4096 bit RSA is secure, so I encrypted the flag with it.
provided files: [source.py](https://git.lain.faith/BLAHAJ/writeups/src/branch/writeups/2021/corctf/4096/source.py) [output.txt](https://git.lain.faith/BLAHAJ/writeups/src/branch/writeups/2021/corctf/4096/output.txt)
## solution
inspecting the source you can see the provided source implements RSA. the weakness is it uses many
small primes instead of 2 large primes. this makes it extremely easy to factor the number
(factoring the public key in RSA leads to recovery of the private key)[^1]
m = bytes_to_long(flag)
primes = [getPrime(32) for _ in range(128)]
n = prod(primes)
e = 65537
print(pow(m, e, n))
i turned to my trusted factoring tool, [yafu](https://sourceforge.net/projects/yafu/) and _quickly_
discovered that in 2021 yafu is very crashy (at least on my system... i assume this is some glibc or
gmp ABI incompatibility)[^2]
yafu provides a shell in which you can invoke the `factor` operation
this should complete in a few seconds even on old machines. it produces a list like
P10 = 3991834969
P38 = 66683226414537879762507759703783429499
C20 = 15613277632742914627
P10 = 3959814431
P10 = 3943871257
P10 = 2602521199
P10 = 3177943303
P10 = 3625437121
P10 = 2707095227
P10 = 3346647649
P10 = 2572542211
P10 = 2753147143
P10 = 3488338697
P10 = 2525697263
P10 = 3291377941
P10 = 4141964923
some of the output was not factored enough, there are still some composite numbers and incorrectly
identified primes -- we know from the source that all the primes are 32 bit so we're looking for all
`P10` lines. the solution is simple just run `factor(...)` again on any non-P10 outputs... and this
is where i wrote a quick script to do this automatically except for some reason yafu consistently
crashed when run under python (;___;) so i ended up doing it by hand (time wasted that could be
spent pwning but whatever)
anyway once you have all the primes you just need to calculate the private key and do decryption.
the private key is computed by `65537^{-1} mod phi`, where `phi` (the easier one to calculate) is
the product of all the primes minus 1. then do `{encrypted message}^d mod n` and you have the flag
[ins] In [1]: import math
[nav] In [2]: factors = [int(x) for x in open("factors")]
[nav] In [3]: phi = math.prod([x - 1 for x in factors])
[nav] In [4]: [n, enc] = [int(x) for x in open("output.txt")]
[ins] In [5]: d = pow(65537, -1, phi)
[ins] In [6]: dec = pow(enc, d, n)
[ins] In [7]: dec.to_bytes(dec.bit_length()//8+1,"big")
Out[8]: b'corctf{to0_m4ny_pr1m3s55_63aeea37a6b3b22f}'
[^1]: i assume we are familiar with RSA but if not, wikipedia is a good reference:
[^2]: time to get a new factoring tool of choice probably