# Silver Darlings
By [Siorde](https://github.com/Siorde)
## Description
![Image ot find](https://github.com/Nameshield-CTF/WriteUps/tree/master/ractf-2021/osint/silver-darlings/ressources/silver_darlings.jpg?raw=true)
## Solution
I saw a french number on the portal, I tried to search it on the "Page Jaune" https://www.pagesjaunes.fr (I was note sure about the last number si I tried a 1, it was not found, but with a 2 it worked). It was not the place I was looking for, but I was around the point, so i tried to look for the second clue : the "Café de la mairie" and I found it : https://www.google.com/maps/@44.0704955,2.0965764,3a,75y,252.85h,77.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snfOWJYT3678whnGwOT6qEg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656