Tags: osint
Rating: 5.0
# RTLXHA2021 - All Hail Google
- Write-Up Author: Rb916120 \[[MOCTF](https://www.facebook.com/MOCSCTF)\]
- Flag:RTL{h3he3_bois_y0u_g0t_m3_th15_t1m3}
## **Question:**
All Hail Google
>A 'wonder' place
>Note: This is not simply a geoguesser challenge, follow the hint begins with this image, flag's format RTL{...}
>Author: psycholog1st#2222 & Moriarty#8077
## Write up
**below tool mentioned in this article.**
[Ghunt](https://github.com/mxrch/GHunt) - GHunt is a modulable OSINT tool designed to evolve over the years, and incorporates many techniques to investigate Google accounts, or objects.
**some inspiration**
after the event and review other's writeup.
i aware the place can be found if we using vietnamese for searching.
How could we search the thing without language limitation?
google lens can help!! i should try this wonderful thing in next OSINT challenge.
btw during the challenge, i got rick rolled twice by the author... lollll....
First, let guess the place of this image,
characteristic 1.
this building looking like Thailand/vietnam style, a kind of east asia building style

characteristic 2.
people with black hair wearing long clothing, i guess this place is near equatorial(赤道)
characteristic 3.
miniature of Arc de Triomphe

characteristic 4.
the place near seaside
after inspection on the map candidate would be:
search it with the image and keyword "miniature", "travel","Arc de Triomphe" and country name
this burning a brunch of time to identify the location.
finally find a picture have the same building.

and looking at the link and search "Danang golden Bay" in google maps

yeah! we find the place, but the game is not end yet. we have to find the flag.
by investigating the review of the place. one of review catch my attention.

look at the pastebin link

2 info from this message.
> 1. Alex will visit this park with my wife next year.
> 2. file from google drive may contain the flag
investigating on the google drive file, it is a PNG file with some exif info

we find the mail address of alex!!
then we can use Ghunt to do further OSINT on alex's address
Name : Alexix Thomas
[-] Default profile picture
Last profile edit : 2021/08/02 05:55:09 (UTC)
Email : [email protected]
Google ID : 117677458572920984210
Hangouts Bot : No
[+] Activated Google services :
- Hangouts
- Maps
[-] YouTube channel not found.
Google Maps : https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/117677458572920984210/reviews
[-] No reviews
Google Calendar : https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/[email protected]
[-] No public Google Calendar.

by visiting the google calendar, we can find the calender event on 2022.

send a email to the mailbox, will got the flag!