Tags: osint google
Rating: 5.0
# All-Hail-Google
## OSINT Challenge for RTLxHACTF (Written by me in cooperation with Moriarty from Thehackerscrew)

## Imo it deserves more than 75pts, only 8 solves until the end of CTF
## Start with a geoguesser image

## Description: A 'wonder' place
## With Google lens or something like that we find out that the place is Wonders Park, Da Nang, Viet Nam (The city which im living at xD)
## Look at the review section, we see this comment with 'newest' filter that looks really suspicious ( I used one of my account to review because google prevent newly created account from spamming review)
## Follow the paste bin link we got this drive link

## Follow it we get this image

## After downloading it and use 'exiftool' we got the email of Alexander

## Now we got the email, if we mail it, there is an auto reply mail which lead us to Rick Astley song :)
## So now look at the review: `Such a great place, can't wait to visit this park with my wife next year.`
## That looks like an event in calendar
## But if we use Ghunt, we can't see the event (the calendar of alexixthomas is actually public, but somehow i fooled Ghunt =)))

## So if players use Ghunt, they might follow the wrong path.
## Now we go to Google Calendar and add the gmail to search list

## Then scroll the calendar to next year, we see the event

## Here we got the email of his wife, the username lead to another Twitter account which is just an easter egg
## Then we mail her, we got auto reply
## I hide flag in the email with white text, so they must view the raw mail or hightlight the mail to see it

## This is the first chall i wrote, so I definitely messed up many things. If you have something for improving it, you can dm me psycholog1st#2222. Thanks for playing and reading =))
## Btw, give me a star if you find this writeup helpful xD
## Cre: psycholog1st