Tags: command injection
This challenge is command injection challenge with too many filters :).
Challenge description---

Challenge url--

Looking at the source code, you can see our payload is in sed command. Since these characters `; | &` are banned, we can't execute two command. So we have to perform our injection in sed command. We can't also use these characters ("$" and backtick ). After googling awhile, I found that we can also run command as `((command))`. We can use `/e` modifier to excute our command. So the paylaod begin `"s/Lorem/((whoami))/e"`. But our command didn't execute.

After testing in local, I found that we need to replace all characters in the file with our command. So our payload become `"s/.*/((whoami))/e"`.

Boom! Our command is now executed. Let's read the flag file. We can bypass `cat & flag` in blacklist with single quote like `c'a't & f'l'ag`. Our final payload become `"s/.*/((c'a't f'l'ag.txt))/e"`.

Flag: `ictf{:roocu:roocu:roocu:roocu:roocu:roocursion:rsion:rsion:rsion:rsion:rsion:_473fc2d1}`
Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoy this. :cowboy_hat_face: :cowboy_hat_face: