Tags: uncompyle6 rev 


# sneks

## Description
## Files
- [output.txt](output.txt)
- [sneks.pyc](sneks.pyc)

Looks like we have a Python Compiled file (.pyc)

Lets use `uncompyle6` to decompile the file! (Can install it with `pip install uncompyle6`)

# uncompyle6 version 3.7.4
# Python bytecode 3.8 (3413)
# Decompiled from: Python 3.8.5 (default, Aug 2 2020, 15:09:07)
# [GCC 10.2.0]
# Embedded file name: sneks.py
# Compiled at: 2021-05-20 03:21:59
# Size of source mod 2**32: 600 bytes
import sys

def f(n):
if n == 0:
return 0
if n == 1 or n == 2:
return 1
x = f(n >> 1)
y = f(n // 2 + 1)
return g(x, y, not n & 1)

def e(b, j):
return 5 * f(b) - 7 ** j

def d(v):
return v << 1

def g(x, y, l):
if l:
return h(x, y)
return x ** 2 + y ** 2

def h(x, y):
return x * j(x, y)

def j(x, y):
return 2 * y - x

def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
inp = bytes(sys.argv[1], 'utf-8')
a = []
for i, c in enumerate(inp):
a.append(e(c, i))
for c in a:
print((d(c)), end=' ')

if __name__ == '__main__':
# okay decompiling sneks.pyc

You can see the flow from the source code:

1. it takes the first argument as `inp`
2. loop each character pass into function `e`
3. append the output into `a`
4. loop each number in `a` pass into function `d`
5. print the output separate by space

## Solve
The functions are quite complicated its hard to reverse it especially function `f`

So I decide to **brute force the flag** since it pass in the function **character by character** makes the brute force time fast

output = [9273726921930789991758, 166410277506205636620946, 836211434898484229672, 15005205362068960832084, 226983740520068639569752018, 4831629526120101632815236, 203649875442, 1845518257930330962016244, 12649370320429973923353618, 203569403526, 435667762588547882430552, 2189229958341597036774, 175967536338, 339384890916, 319404344993454853352, -9165610218896, 435667762522082586241848, 3542248016531591176336 ,319401089522705178152 ,-22797257207834556 ,12649370160845441339659218 ,269256367990614644192076 ,-7819641564003064368 ,594251092837631751966918564 ]

for i, n in enumerate(output):
for c in string.printable.encode():
if d(e(c,i)) == n:

# flag{s3qu3nc35_4nd_5um5}
Thats it! Simple reverse challenge!

[Full python script](solve.py)

## Flag

Original writeup (https://github.com/Hong5489/hsctf2021/tree/main/sneks).