# BCTF 2016: zerodaystore
## Challenge details
| Event | Challenge | Category | Points |
| BCTF | zerodaystore | Misc. | 200 |
### Description
> [server.py.8c15b34d5e32243f5ed38c1b055bfd6f](challenge)
> [zerodaystore.apk.7869c5b00cdf037273e39572fb1affdb](challenge)
## Write-up
This challenge consists of an android app and a server component written in python. If we take a look at the source of the server component we can see the following:
def POST(self):
orderStr = web.data()
subIndex = orderStr.rfind('&sign=')
signedStr = orderStr[:subIndex]
messageHash = hashlib.sha256(signedStr).digest()
if not(rsa.verify(signedStr, b64decode(orderStr[subIndex+6:]), pubKey)):
raise Exception
return json.dumps({'status':2})
orderStrParts = orderStr.split('&')
price = 0
orderID = ""
for part in orderStrParts:
if part.startswith('price='):
price = int(part[6:])
if part.startswith('orderID='):
orderID = part[8:]
if price > 0:
raise Exception
return json.dumps({'status':4, 'data':'BCTF{XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}'})
return json.dumps({'status':3})
So we should find the server where this is hosted and somehow trick it into processing a signed order with `price = 0`. The order routine allows us to place an order and signs it:
params = web.data()
data = json.loads(params)
androidID = data['androidID']
productID = data['productID']
if productID == 0:
price = 50000
elif productID == 1:
price = 80000
elif productID == 2:
price = 100000
elif productID == 3:
price = 120000
elif productID == 4:
price = 500000
raise ValueError("productID is not correct!")
rand = random.randint(1,100000000)
orderID = androidID + str(rand)
timestamp = int(time.time()*1000)
orderStr = "orderID="+orderID
orderStr += ("&price="+str(price))
orderStr += ("&productID="+str(productID))
orderStr += ("×tamp="+str(timestamp))
orderStr += ("&signer=RSA")
orderStr += ("&hash=sha256")
nonce = "%016x" % random.getrandbits(64)
orderStr += ("&nonce="+nonce)
messageHash = hashlib.sha256(orderStr).digest()
messageSign = rsa.sign(orderStr, privKey, 'SHA-256')
orderStr += ("&sign="+b64encode(messageSign))
return json.dumps({'status':1, 'data':orderStr})
return json.dumps({'status':0})
As we can see it sets the price itself so we can't influence it here. Loading up the APK file in `jadx` allows us to extract the two hostnames which are used for placing orders and processing 'payments': `http://mall.godric.me` and `http://paygate.godric.me`.
Let's take a closer look at the payment data parsing routine:
orderStrParts = orderStr.split('&')
price = 0
orderID = ""
for part in orderStrParts:
if part.startswith('price='):
price = int(part[6:])
if part.startswith('orderID='):
orderID = part[8:]
This splits the order string into parts seperated by `&` and whenever a part starts with `price=` it sets the price variable accordingly. This means that we can redefine the variable at a later point during string processing, eg. `&price=1337&price=0`. Now lets take a look at how the signing is done:
orderStr = web.data()
subIndex = orderStr.rfind('&sign=')
signedStr = orderStr[:subIndex]
messageHash = hashlib.sha256(signedStr).digest()
if not(rsa.verify(signedStr, b64decode(orderStr[subIndex+6:]), pubKey)):
raise Exception
We find the signature as indicated by &sign= and extract the signed string from it as everything preceding it. This signed string is then sha256 hashed and compared against the signature embedded in the base64 encoded rest of the string. The problem lies with the above described 'variable overriding' combined with the fact that b64decode doesn't "safe decode" and ignores any non-base64 data appended to a base64 blob, eg.:
b64decode(b64encode("test")+"&price=0") = 'test'
Here the signature will be valid over the data preceding the signature while the final appended parameter will override the price which [gives us](solution/zerodaystore_crack.py):
$ ./zerodaystore_crack.py
[+] Got flag: [BCTF{0DayL0veR1chGuy5}]