Tags: volatility forensics 


# Double

I saved the flag in a Docker container, but where did Docker actually store it?

- `Ubuntu_5.4.0-62-generic_profile.zip`
- `dump.mem.tar.gz`

## Solution

First set up volatility:

git clone https://github.com/volatilityfoundation/volatility

echo "Copying dump.mem.tar.xz ..."
cp ../dist/dump.mem.tar.xz volatility

echo "Copying Ubuntu profile ..."
cp ../dist/Ubuntu_5.4.0-62-generic_profile.zip volatility/volatility/plugins/overlays/linux

To check that the profile is working, run: `python2 vol.py --info | grep Ubuntu`
This should show the following (ignore the "Failed to import" warnings):
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6.1
LinuxUbuntu_5_4_0-62-generic_profilex64 - A Profile for Linux Ubuntu_5.4.0-62-generic_profile x64

Next extract `dump.mem.tar.xz`:

cd volatility
echo "Extracting dump.mem.tar.xz, might take a while ..."
tar -xvf dump.mem.tar.xz --checkpoint=.100
echo ""
echo "Done"

Now we're set up. To keeps things short, let's make an alias:
alias volm="python2 vol.py -f dump.mem --profile=LinuxUbuntu_5_4_0-62-generic_profilex64"

First check bash history:
$ volm linux_bash
Pid Name Command Time Command
-------- -------------------- ------------------------------ -------
1250 bash 2021-04-13 06:13:11 UTC+0000 sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-x11 curl python3 python3-pip
1250 bash 2021-04-13 06:13:11 UTC+0000 vi .Xmodmap
1250 bash 2021-04-13 06:13:11 UTC+0000 xmodmap .Xmodmap
1250 bash 2021-04-13 06:13:15 UTC+0000 sudo curl https://get.docker.com/ | bash
1250 bash 2021-04-13 06:14:50 UTC+0000 sudo -s
1250 bash 2021-04-13 06:14:50 UTC+0000 ????????
1250 bash 2021-04-13 06:14:50 UTC+0000
11561 bash 2021-04-13 06:15:01 UTC+0000 docker run -it alpine:3.7 /bin/sh

Only thing interesting is the `docker`. Let's check the processes:
$ volm linux_pstree
Name Pid Uid
.xfce4-terminal 1245 1000
..bash 1250 1000
...sudo 11560
....bash 11561
.....docker 11568
.packagekitd 1526
.containerd 8757
.dockerd 8876
.containerd-shim 11604
..sh 11626
...vi 11670

We see the `docker` command was running in `xfce4-terminal`.
Under `.dockerd` we also see `vi` running inside a shell.

Let's try to get more detail info about these processes:
$ volm linux_psaux
11560 0 0 sudo -s
11561 0 0 /bin/bash
11568 0 0 docker run -it alpine:3.7 /bin/sh
11604 0 0 /usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2 -namespace moby -id e4af91e1e1bdb71af00437bf9503d5ef97ebf4406343d7778f1b9a52cdaeaa03 -address /run/containerd/containerd.sock
11626 0 0 /bin/sh
11670 0 0 vi secret.txt

Let's see if it's possible to recover `secret.txt`:
$ volm linux_enumerate_files | grep secret
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6.1
0xffffa0f6fadd78c8 289058 /var/lib/docker/overlay2/0302e6c324b486a627e0243c020d8a7d5edd1eab9f186af5d0f6a83b5b82c989/diff/secret.txt
0x0 ------------------------- /var/lib/docker/overlay2/0302e6c324b486a627e0243c020d8a7d5edd1eab9f186af5d0f6a83b5b82c989-init/diff/secret.txt
0x0 ------------------------- /var/lib/docker/overlay2/c6010ae8b5857ab4d731cead4147b7d55b6ed8f985d5cbd975cfa529d2d75e30/diff/secret.txt
0xffffa0f6fa676360 142019 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libsecret-1.so.0.0.0
0xffffa0f6fa99bb40 289058 /var/lib/docker/overlay2/0302e6c324b486a627e0243c020d8a7d5edd1eab9f186af5d0f6a83b5b82c989/merged/secret.txt

Looks like docker did some weird stuff with the file, but let's try and
extract the first one:
$ volm linux_find_file -i 0xffffa0f6fadd78c8 -O secret.txt
$ cat secret.txt
C C C { d 0 c k 3 r _ i n _ a _ V M }


Original writeup (https://github.com/qxxxb/ctf_challenges/blob/master/2021/ccc/forensics/double/solve).