
[All WriteUps for this CTF here](https://github.com/ipv6-feet-under/WriteUps-S.H.E.L.L.CTF21): https://github.com/ipv6-feet-under/WriteUps-S.H.E.L.L.CTF21

# encoder

We are given following task:
can you decrypt this text : "ZOLSS{W1G_D3HY_4_T45R}"

NOTE: do not shift the numbers and the special charecters( '{' , '}' , '_' ).

What we know is that the flag has to start with "SHELL" so we just need to put it into: http://dcode.fr/vigenere-sipher


One of the solutions is SHELL{PlZ_W3AR_4_M45K}

Original writeup (https://github.com/ipv6-feet-under/WriteUps-S.H.E.L.L.CTF21/tree/main/Cryptography/encoder).