Tags: crypto
Rating: 5.0
# Real Mersenne
**Category**: crypto \
**Solves**: 13 \
**Points**: 949 \
**Author**: deuterium
Do you believe in games of luck? I hope you make your guesses real or you'll be
floating around
nc crypto.zh3r0.cf 4444
Download - [real_mersenne.tar.gz](real_mersenne.tar.gz)
## Overview
All we have to do is guess the output of Python's `random.random()` function.
The more accurate our guess is, the more points we get. We get the flag after
`10 ** 6` points.
import random
from secret import flag
from fractions import Fraction
def score(a, b):
if abs(a - b) < 1 / 2 ** 10:
# capping score to 1024 so you dont get extra lucky
return Fraction(2 ** 10)
return Fraction(2 ** 53, int(2 ** 53 * a) - int(2 ** 53 * b))
total_score = 0
for _ in range(2000):
x = random.random()
y = float(input("enter your guess:\n"))
round_score = score(x, y)
total_score += float(round_score)
print("total score: {:0.2f}, round score: {}".format(total_score, round_score))
if total_score > 10 ** 6:
print("Error, exiting")
print("Maybe better luck next time")
## Solution
It's well-known that after 624 outputs from a Mersenne Twister, we can deduce
its seed and predict any future outputs.
So our goal is:
1. Extract the actual bits that the MT outputs from the `round_score`, which is
a `Fraction`
2. Solve for the seed
3. Predict future outputs and get the flag
### Part 1: Extracting the bits
> Solved with @vishiswoz, who helped me sort out a bunch of mistakes in my code
> (having teammates is great)
* In effect, `a` contains 27 random bits shifted left 26, and `b` fills in the
* lower 26 bits of the 53-bit numerator.
static PyObject *
_random_Random_random_impl(RandomObject *self)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=117ff99ee53d755c input=afb2a59cbbb00349]*/
uint32_t a=genrand_uint32(self)>>5, b=genrand_uint32(self)>>6;
return PyFloat_FromDouble((a*67108864.0+b)*(1.0/9007199254740992.0));
We can recover `a` and `b` just by shifting the bits:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
int main()
uint32_t a = 446374322 >> 5;
uint32_t b = 2269612274 >> 6;
double x = (a * 67108864.0 + b) * (1.0 / 9007199254740992.0);
// We only know x. Goal is to recover a and b.
// Note: 9007199254740992 == 2 ** 53
// Note: 67108864 == 2 ** 26
uint64_t y = (uint64_t)(x * 9007199254740992.0);
assert(((uint64_t)a * 67108864 + b) == y);
uint32_t a_recovered = y >> 26;
uint32_t b_recovered = y & 0x3ffffff; // y % (2 ** 26)
assert(a == a_recovered);
assert(b == b_recovered);
return 0;
## Part 2: Solving for the seed
Now that we have the exact bits generated from the Mersenne Twister, we
can give it to a Z3 solver to deduce the internal state.
I used this, which was well-written and easy to use:
It was also designed to handle truncated outputs, which was exactly what we
ut = Untwister()
a, b = get_a_b_str(x)
assert len(a) == 32
assert len(b) == 32
# Just send stuff like "?11????0011?0110??01110????01???"
# Where ? represents unknown bits
## Part 3: Putting it together
After some testing, my script was able to solve the challenge locally in about
10 seconds. Sometimes it would give `z3.z3types.Z3Exception: model is not
available` for some reason, but I just re-ran it until it worked.
Unfortunately, running it remotely would take 20 minutes due to my slow network
connection. I could rent a VPS in India to send requests faster, but instead I
just modified my script to send inputs and parse outputs in bulk.
Output (solve script in `solve.py`)
$ python3 solve.py REMOTE
[x] Opening connection to crypto.zh3r0.cf on port 4444
[x] Opening connection to crypto.zh3r0.cf on port 4444: Trying
[+] Opening connection to crypto.zh3r0.cf on port 4444: Done
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 624/624 [00:03<00:00, 196.82it/s]
b'enter your guess:\n'
b'total score: 992535.43, round score: 1024\n'
b'enter your guess:\n'
b'total score: 993559.43, round score: 1024\n'
b'enter your guess:\n'
b'total score: 994583.43, round score: 1024\n'
b'enter your guess:\n'
b'total score: 995607.43, round score: 1024\n'
b'enter your guess:\n'
b'total score: 996631.43, round score: 1024\n'
b'enter your guess:\n'
b'total score: 997655.43, round score: 1024\n'
b'enter your guess:\n'
[DEBUG] Received 0xe5 bytes:
b'otal score: 998679.43, round score: 1024\n'
b'enter your guess:\n'
b'total score: 999703.43, round score: 1024\n'
b'enter your guess:\n'
b'total score: 1000727.43, round score: 1024\n'
b'Error, exiting\n'