
# Send License / Web / Easy

## Description

We have bought a service but unfortunately we lost the license key of it we are willing to give you a flag at the exchange of the key.
From what we remember it was based on windows 95 oem algorithm.
We bought the service at july 3rd of 1999.

send you'r keys here: http://ch1.sbug.se/?license=<your KEY>


## Solution

i searched for windows 95 oem algorithm and found this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwyH59nACzQ)


forging our own key according to the date we get this

18499-OEM-0000007-12345 and then we send it in the url


## Flag


Original writeup (https://github.com/MostafaMohamed888/writeups/tree/main/ODINCTF/2021).