Tags: reversing 


# Idea
The password is the flag we should find. If column A of 'sUpErSeCrEt' sheet is filled with the correct number, K1 becomes true. It's a flag to convert column A into ASCII code.


# How
We know that K1 comes from calculating J1 and J2. And, a value filled with FALSE is an OR operation, and a value filled with TRUE is an AND operation. Thus, we can infer a boolean value that is not filled.
In conclusion, we can calculate the value of B1-B336 and the flag can be found by cutting the 8digits into ASCII code.



[Original wirteup](https://github.com/OMEGA-Y/WriteUp/blob/main/reverse-Exhell.md) (https://github.com/OMEGA-Y/WriteUp/blob/main/reverse-Exhell.md)