
# Robots

## Challenge:

Robots are taking over. Find out more.


## Solution:

If we navigate to the provided site we don’t see much, but `/robots.txt` gives us a lot to go on.

If we search the page for `flag`, we quickly find a matching directive:

Allow: /flag/UlN7UjBib3RzX2FyM19iNGR9

Navigating to `/flag/UlN7UjBib3RzX2FyM19iNGR9` doesn’t work.

But if we Base64 decode `UlN7UjBib3RzX2FyM19iNGR9`, we get our flag: `RS{R0bots_ar3_b4d}`.

Original writeup (https://github.com/mcmahoniel/ctf_write-ups/blob/main/2021/ritsec_ctf/web/robots/README.md).