# Task
# Solution
This challenge is also about this suspicious girl (read [previous chall writeup](https://github.com/hackalcubo/CTF-Writeups/blob/main/ritsec2021/Intel/Music%20Signs/README.md)). I spent some time digging through her social media, music tastes, without realising I had the best piece of information right in front of my eyes since the beginning:
In the previous challenge, I focused on her Twitter bio with the Spotify link but I didn’t investigate what was the string below it. At first, I also didn’t notice the “money” emoji right there, that’s kind of suspicious.
So I googled that string obtaining 1 result:
That's a bitcoin wallet! Opening this link, we can find that Claire’s wallet exchanged money with another wallet:
Googling the wallet on the right `1FsXnPtqRtWs89YtDhFdoZpyt2LUWJDfW1`, we can find an interesting result:
The third [result](https://finance.ackaria.xyz/) seems interesting, let's find out more:
This means she’s definitely interacting with the *Republic of Ackaria*, since the flag: