## [See original writeup on site](https://barelycompetent.dev/post/ctfs/2021-04-11-ritsecctf/#apt-interference)
### APT Interference
> Geno’s ex is speculated to be involved in his disappearance. Try to find some incriminating information on her social media. What nation-state is she working with? (Wrap the answer in RS{})
From the previous challenges, we know that Geno's ex is [Claire Eng](https://twitter.com/eng_claire). In their twitter page, which can be discovered by looking at Geno's most recent tweet's comments, we see a blochain address in the bio:
* `13yTaS2QsQi5Gy9M6cezHmyQtWhj4zW5aY`
Googling for exact matches on the wallet, i.e `"13yTaS2QsQi5Gy9M6cezHmyQtWhj4zW5aY"`, we get one page result:
* https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1FsXnPtqRtWs89YtDhFdoZpyt2LUWJDfW1
We can see that the wallet mentioned in Claire's twitter bio recieved some value from this wallet.
Googling for exact matches on this new wallet, i.e `"1FsXnPtqRtWs89YtDhFdoZpyt2LUWJDfW1"`, we see the following results:
... of which, the third link looks like what we want! Searching for "Ackaria Ministry of Finance", we find a oage then mentions "An official website of the Government of Ackaria - the world's first crypto-centric country!".
As such, I tried to submit the flag after this and succeeded.
Flag is `RS{Ackaria}`.