## Description
Clam was browsing armstrongctf.com when suddenly a popup appeared saying "GET YOUR FREE FLAGS HERE!!!" along with a download. Can you fill out the survey for free flags?
Find it on the shell server at /problems/2021/free_flags or over netcat at nc shell.actf.co 21703.
Author: aplet123
## Analysis
There is a `flag.txt` that we need to read by using `free_flags`
team8838@actf:/problems/2021/free_flags$ ls -l
total 24
-r--r----- 1 problem2021_free_flags problem2021_free_flags 45 Apr 2 13:14 flag.txt
-r-xr-sr-x 1 problem2021_free_flags problem2021_free_flags 16536 Apr 3 00:36 free_flags
team8838@actf:/problems/2021/free_flags$ cat flag.txt
cat: flag.txt: Permission denied
team8838@actf:/problems/2021/free_flags$ ./free_flags
Congratulations! You are the 1000th CTFer!!! Fill out this short survey to get FREE FLAGS!!!
What number am I thinking of???
Wrong >:((((
Decompile with Ghidra and look at main.
ulong main(void)
int iVar1;
size_t sVar2;
long in_FS_OFFSET;
uint local_128;
int local_124;
int local_120;
int local_11c;
char local_118 [264];
long local_10;
local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
setvbuf(stdout,(char *)0x0,2,0);
"Congratulations! You are the 1000th CTFer!!! Fill out this short survey to get FREE FLAGS!!!"
puts("What number am I thinking of???");
if (local_11c == 0x7a69) {
puts("What two numbers am I thinking of???");
__isoc99_scanf("%d %d",&local_120,&local_124);
if ((local_120 + local_124 == 0x476) && (local_120 * local_124 == 0x49f59)) {
puts("What animal am I thinking of???");
__isoc99_scanf(" %256s",local_118);
sVar2 = strcspn(local_118,"\n");
local_118[sVar2] = '\0';
iVar1 = strcmp(local_118,"banana");
if (iVar1 == 0) {
puts("Wow!!! Now I can sell your information to the Russian government!!!");
puts("Oh yeah, here\'s the FREE FLAG:");
local_128 = 0;
else {
puts("Wrong >:((((");
local_128 = 1;
else {
puts("Wrong >:((((");
local_128 = 1;
else {
puts("Wrong >:((((");
local_128 = 1;
if (*(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28) == local_10) {
return (ulong)local_128;
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
We just have to answer that series of questions correctly to get the flag.
The first one is `0x7a69` or `31337`.
The second one accepts two numbers, which add up to `0x476` (`1142`) and multiply to `0x49f59` (`302937`). These are small numbers, so a quick and dirty way to solve is:
goalsum = 1142
goalprod = 302937
for i in range(1, 1141):
x = i
y = goalsum - i
if x + y == goalsum and x * y == goalprod:
print('Solved', x, y)
kali@kali:~/Downloads/angstrom/free_flags$ python solve.py
('Solved', 419, 723)
The third one is just `banana`.
## Solution
team8838@actf:/problems/2021/free_flags$ ./free_flags
Congratulations! You are the 1000th CTFer!!! Fill out this short survey to get FREE FLAGS!!!
What number am I thinking of???
What two numbers am I thinking of???
419 723
What animal am I thinking of???
Wow!!! Now I can sell your information to the Russian government!!!
Oh yeah, here's the FREE FLAG: