Tags: lattice crypto bbs linearization
Rating: 5.0
The PRNG is a [B.B.S.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blum_Blum_Shub)-like generator, with update function $F(v) = v^2 + b$ over $\\mathbb{Z}/p\\mathbb{Z}$.
We're given 2/3 of higher-order bits of the first two outputs, and the FLAG is Xor-ed with the next five outputs.
Denote the unknown parts as $x_1$, $x_2$, we have
v_0 &= 2^{n-k} w_0 + x_0 \\\\
v_1 &= 2^{n-k} w_1 + x_1 \\\\
v_1 &\equiv v_0^2 + b \pmod{p}
Expand and rearrange, we get
2w_0 \times x_0 + (w_0^2-w_1+b) \times 1 - p\times k = x_1 - x_0^2,
(this $k$ is not that $k$, don't mind)
Here we *hide* the variable $x_1$ in the right term, and see it as a new variable. Then we can solve it with LLL algorithm over 3-rank basis.
Write it in matrix form:
x_0 \\\\
1 \\\\
\right)^T \times
1 &0 &2w_0 \\\\
0 &1 &w_0^2-w_1+b\\\\
0 &0 &p
\right) =
(x_0, 1, x_1-x_0^2)$$
Next we need to adjust the scale to make the norm satisfy the Minkowski's bound (also make sure the second element is $1$)
Here I choose $A = p / X$, $B = p$, $C = p / X^2$, then
$$norm < \sqrt{3} p \\\\
det = p^4 / X^3$$
Since $X \\approx p^{1/3}$, it does.
After we found $x_0$, it's easy to get $x_1$. Then the PRNG is broken.
exp.sage :
p = 86160765871200393116432211865381287556448879131923154695356172713106176601077
b = 71198163834256441900788553646474983932569411761091772746766420811695841423780
m = 88219145192729480056743197897921789558305761774733086829638493717397473234815
w0 = 401052873479535541023317092941219339820731562526505
w1 = 994046339364774179650447057905749575131331863844814
nbits = 256
d = 2
k = ceil(nbits * (d / (d + 1)))
w0 <<= (nbits - k)
w1 <<= (nbits - k)
AA = p >> (nbits-k)
BB = p
CC = p >> (2*(nbits-k))
M = Matrix(ZZ, [
[AA, 0, CC*2*w0],
[0, BB, CC*(w0^2-w1+b)],
[0, 0, CC*p]
b1 = M.LLL()[0]
if b1[0] < 0:
b1 *= -1
assert b1[1] == BB
x0 = ZZ(b1[0] / AA)
# x0 = 1319495720667326863431558
x1 = ZZ(b1[2] / CC) + x0^2
# x1 = 1811790233058988426434106
v0 = w0 + x0
v1 = w1 + x1
assert v1 == (v0^2 + b) % p
task.sage :
from Crypto.Util.number import*
from flag import flag
nbits = 256
p = random_prime(1 << nbits)
Fp = Zmod(p)
P.<v> = PolynomialRing(Fp)
b = randrange(p)
d = 2
F = v^2 + b
v0 = randrange(p)
v1 = F(v0)
k = ceil(nbits * (d / (d + 1)))
w0 = (v0 >> (nbits - k))
w1 = (v1 >> (nbits - k))
# encrypt
m = bytes_to_long(flag)
v = v1
for i in range(5):
v = F(v)
m ^^= int(v)
print(f"p = {p}")
print(f"b = {b}")
print(f"m = {m}")
print(f"w0 = {w0}")
print(f"w1 = {w1}")