# rev60 - 'File Checker'
> My friend sent me this file. He told that if I manage to reverse it, I'll
> have access to all his devices. My misfortune that I don't know anything
> about reversing :/
> Attachment: [rev60.zip](./rev60.zip)
Once we open up [rev60.zip](./rev60.zip) we notice that we get a file called 'filechecker'. No extension.
So I threw it into IDA and noticed that it's a 64-bit ELF file.
Looking around I found a 'main' function. And what do you know, it's literally a file checker.
Pressing F5 to decompile this function makes it a hell of a lot easier to see what is going on.

That **sub_400760** is just a check to see if the file of **.password** exists.Returns 1 if it does, 0 if it doesn't, whatever.
So on to the actual flow of the program:
* First we see if the stream is valid, if it is we do a for loop 15 times and make a temp variable.
* Next we grab each character in the .password file with **fgetc**
* Check if we're at the end of the file with **feof**
* If we are, we take the temp variable and or it with **0x1337** and break out of the loop.
* Do something with the current character we have and the current loop counter with the function **sub_40079C**
* and or the temp variable with the character read in.
* If our temp variable is less than or equal to 0 we win. If not, we lose.
Aight. So what does that function **sub_40079C** do?

Oh wow. It's a table! It's the table[i] + character and mod'ing with 0x1337 and using the character we took in from the file as an output paramater.
So let's make a little C++ snippet to set this up.
void func(int i, int* v3)
int array[15] =
0x12EE, 0x12E0, 0x12BC, 0x12F1, 0x12EE,
0x12EB, 0x12F2, 0x12D8, 0x12F4, 0x12EF,
0x12D2, 0x12F4, 0x12EC, 0x12D6, 0x12BA,
*v3 = (array[i] + *v3) % 0x1337;
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
FILE* stream = fopen("password.txt", "r");
if (stream)
int v7 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
int v3 = fgetc(stream);
if (feof(stream))
v7 |= 0x1337;
func(i, &v3;;
v7 |= v3;
if (v7 <= 0)
puts("Error: Wrong characters\n");
printf("Fatal error: File does not exist\n");
Since the flag has to start with **IW{** let's write that in our password.txt (Windows doesn't allow empty names with extensions)
Stepping through I noticed that temp variable of v7 is **0**.
Easily I realized that we need to make a little algorithm to solve for every character with the corresponding table:
0x12EE = I //0x49 0 = (0x12EE + 0x49) % 0x1337; // character = (0x1337 - array[i]) % 0x1337
0x12E0 = W //0x57 0 = (0x12E0 + 0x57) % 0x1337
int[] array =
0x12EE, 0x12E0, 0x12BC, 0x12F1, 0x12EE,
0x12EB, 0x12F2, 0x12D8, 0x12F4, 0x12EF,
0x12D2, 0x12F4, 0x12EC, 0x12D6, 0x12BA,
for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
int solved = (0x1337 - array[i]) % 0x1337;
Running that will give us the flag: