Rating: 5.0
[Original writeup](http://quangntenemy.blogspot.com/2014/01/ghost-in-shellcode-2014.html)
The second quest was a little bit trickier: the treasure chest was protected by a shitload of bears, and after opening it you had to survive for 5 minutes before getting the flag. To make it even more impossible, the bears were armed with guns and they would all shoot you to death. This was actually a fun experience, everyone tried to avoid being hit, killing bears with uber weapons, changing the bear's AI... with no success. In the end, the solution was quite simple and logical. There was this holy item called wine that gave you 10-20% damage protection, however that protection can be patched from the client. I patched it to 100% to become invincible (also because each wine only last for 1 minute, I needed to drink 6 of them :P)
Below is the screenshot of my character after winning both flags