Rating: 5.0
# Table of contents
- ## [staple AES](#challenge-name-staple-aes)
# Notes
### I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 as my environment.
# Challenge name: staple AES

## Information
> aes.py
import os
import socketserver
import string
import threading
from time import *
import random
import time
import binascii
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad
iv = b''
key = b''
flag = open("flag.txt", "rb").read().strip()
class Service(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
assert len(flag) % 16 == 1
blocks = self.shuffle(flag)
ct = self.encrypt(blocks)
def byte_xor(self, ba1, ba2):
return bytes([_a ^ _b for _a, _b in zip(ba1, ba2)])
def encrypt(self, blocks):
curr = iv
ct = []
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
for block in blocks:
curr = cipher.encrypt(curr)
ct.append(self.byte_xor(block, curr))
return b''.join(ct)
def shuffle(self, pt):
pt = pad(pt, 16)
pt = [pt[i: i + 16] for i in range(0, len(pt), 16)]
return pt
def send(self, string, newline=True):
if type(string) is str:
string = string.encode("utf-8")
if newline:
string = string + b"\n"
def receive(self, prompt="> "):
self.send(prompt, newline=False)
return self.request.recv(4096).strip()
class ThreadedService(
def main():
port = 3167
host = ""
service = Service
server = ThreadedService((host, port), service)
server.allow_reuse_address = True
server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
server_thread.daemon = True
print("Server started on " + str(server.server_address) + "!")
# Now let the main thread just wait...
while True:
if __name__ == "__main__":
1. flag length must be multiple of 16 plus 1 (16n+1), clue from this line ```assert len(flag) % 16 == 1```
2. the flag will be splited into ```n``` parts, 16 characters long each, since flag's length must be (16n+1), there must be a part with only 1 character. ```pt = pad(pt, 16)``` will fill the part with 1 character with 15(s) ```\x0f```
3. the position of the parts will be shuffled randomly
4. after shuffling, the parts will be XOR'd with ```iv``` that is encrypted with ```key```
5. finally, the XOR'd parts outputs through port 3167
nc 3167
6. the output frome the server is ```1210374ff7b52c4b265c3e4050e61d545ebdd73480b1dc2bdb8b6935241eb31f7853330bd83a066f8b05ac22656e18dd```, it's made up of 48 hexadecimal number, by the clues ```(16n+1) == len(flag)```and ```pt = pad(pt,16)``` we can confirm that ```n == 2```, and the output was splitted into 3 parts
7. The possibilities of the output is ```3! == 6```, so i requested a bunch to get all of them.
| no | a | b | c |
| --- | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| 1 | 072e4b1f8fdb161b690c427c3c9b212f | 45deb95cf4f78c13bcb4135d4365e327 | 760e2133d4126c07a36aaa766e68749e |
| 2 | 072e4b1f8fdb161b690c427c3c9b212f | 4b83ab64f8dfe67b94db150948638f64 | 7853330bd83a066f8b05ac22656e18dd |
| 3 | 1c4d2577fb9d46230e3338145be07117 | 4b83ab64f8dfe67b94db150948638f64 | 63305d63ac7c5657ec3ad64a021548e5 |
| 4 | 1c4d2577fb9d46230e3338145be07117 | 5ebdd73480b1dc2bdb8b6935241eb31f | 760e2133d4126c07a36aaa766e68749e |
| 5 | 1210374ff7b52c4b265c3e4050e61d54 | 5ebdd73480b1dc2bdb8b6935241eb31f | 7853330bd83a066f8b05ac22656e18dd |
| 6 | 1210374ff7b52c4b265c3e4050e61d54 | 45deb95cf4f78c13bcb4135d4365e327 | 63305d63ac7c5657ec3ad64a021548e5 |
## My solution
1. find all possible iv
> findiv.py
d = [
["072e4b1f8fdb161b690c427c3c9b212f", "45deb95cf4f78c13bcb4135d4365e327",
["072e4b1f8fdb161b690c427c3c9b212f", "4b83ab64f8dfe67b94db150948638f64",
["1c4d2577fb9d46230e3338145be07117", "4b83ab64f8dfe67b94db150948638f64",
["1c4d2577fb9d46230e3338145be07117", "5ebdd73480b1dc2bdb8b6935241eb31f",
["1210374ff7b52c4b265c3e4050e61d54", "5ebdd73480b1dc2bdb8b6935241eb31f",
["1210374ff7b52c4b265c3e4050e61d54", "45deb95cf4f78c13bcb4135d4365e327",
vuln = b"}"+b"\x0f"*15
iv_0 = []
for i in range(len(d)):
iv_0.append([a^b for a,b in zip(vuln, bytes.fromhex(d[i][0]))])
[[122, 33, 68, 16, 128, 212, 25, 20, 102, 3, 77, 115, 51, 148, 46, 32], [122, 33, 68, 16, 128, 212, 25, 20, 102, 3, 77, 115, 51, 148, 46, 32], [97, 66, 42, 120, 244, 146, 73, 44, 1, 60, 55, 27, 84, 239, 126, 24], [97, 66, 42, 120, 244, 146, 73, 44, 1, 60, 55, 27, 84, 239, 126, 24], [111, 31, 56, 64, 248, 186, 35, 68, 41, 83, 49, 79, 95, 233, 18, 91], [111, 31, 56, 64, 248, 186, 35, 68, 41, 83, 49, 79, 95, 233, 18, 91]]
2. Choose one of the iv, then XOR it with the first column of all the possiblities
> crack.py
test_iv_0 = bytes([122, 33, 68, 16, 128, 212, 25, 20, 102, 3, 77, 115, 51, 148, 46, 32])
for i in range(len(d)):
ans = bytes([a^b for a,b in zip(test_iv_0,bytes.fromhex(d[i][0]))])
3. Rearrange the outputs
## Flag: flag{I_7h0ught_7h1s_wa5_@_s3cr3t}