Tags: web blind-xxe xxe
# Special Order pt2 - 490 pts
### Description:
we got hacked last time, our platform is stronger and better now.
I think I patched all the vulnerabilities
author: pop_eax
Visiting the web page we see a login portal...

But we dont have any credentials so lets register a new account and login

After logon we see a nice looking blog page where there are 2 pre-written blogs by admin
so lets create our own blog and see what we can do
[There is no XSS]
but there was a option called `Post Settings` there we can change the font-color and font-size of the blog

by changing them we can see the effect in our blog

Then we tried a lot of [CSS injections](!https://portswigger.net/kb/issues/00501300_css-injection-reflected) to get the flag but none of them worked...
After a while we got an idea, since the title of the challenge says `Special Order pt2` i did a simple google search on `Special Order ctf writeups` and got pop_eax's [writeup and source](!https://github.com/pop-eax/SpecialOrder) of `special order pt1` from there we can get some (ALOT) of hints (90% SOLUTION)
If we analyze the request being sent while customizing `color` and `size` ,
we see the webapp accepts XML requests

The description says the the vulnerability([XEE](!https://portswigger.net/web-security/xxe)) is patched, though the app accepts XML requests so we thought this might be a [Blind XXE](!https://portswigger.net/web-security/xxe/blind)
Then we setup a DTD in cloud
this is our dtd file hosted in cloud:
then we sent an external XXE request to our cloud

BOOM we got the `/etc/passwd` of the server, since we already know the location of the flag (`/flag.txt`) lets change the file in our cloud to get the flag...
