Rating: 3.0

# Web - DarkLogin - 200


This was one of the toughest challenge(for me being a Noob)

Visiting the URL gives me


After looking at the page's source code



The last line decodes(base64) as **.txt**

Since the words KEY is in CAPS I tried going to - [](

we get


we can see that email and password are encoded

Email - **[email protected] —> 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 —> admin**(MD5) use [https://crackstation.net/](https://crackstation.net/) to decode

Password -


**Cyberchef Receipe**


So we get

username - **[email protected]**

password - **W3@llL1k3D@rkn3ss**

Once we login into the portal

we get


So I tried Injecting XSS Payload into the field


After giving some random valid input


After inspecting the source code I have got a Interesting js file named **.xss.js**


So this checks if flag ID exists or not I took help from my friend and figured out the right syntax as


This basically creates a ID called flag so that that script get's executed.

After injecting the above piece of line as code I get the following screens and I was asked to check the Console



After checking the web console I have got a mega link


After opening the file in the mega link


I get a pastebin link and a PHP file

Pastebin Link - [https://pastebin.com/YdLpbznz](https://pastebin.com/YdLpbznz) which is Password protected

I was unable to view the contents of - []( as it redirects to an error page

I tried logging in by changing the post URL in the login page as the given php file and I get the password ( I am not sure why that worked :{ )


and I finally get the Flag as


Flag - **0xL4ugh{M1nd_Bl0w1ng_15_C00l}**

Original writeup (https://github.com/rootpwn/CTF-Witeups/blob/main/0xL4ugh/Web%20-%20DarkLogin%20-%20200/Web%20-%20DarkLogin%20-%20200.md).