Tags: graphs exponentiation walks matrices paths
## Problem
**Category**: Programming
After connecting to the port, we are introduced to the problem. I've bolded the most important parts.
> I swear that Santa is going crazy with those problems, this time we're
> really screwed!
> The new problem asks us the following:
> Given an **undirected graph of size N by its adjacency matrix** and a set of
> forbidden nodes, tell me **how many paths from node 1 to node N of
> exactly length L** that don't pass through any of the forbidden nodes
> exist (please note that **a node can be visited multiple times**)?
> And if that wasn't enough, we need to answer 40 of those problems in **45 seconds** and to give each output modulo 666013. What does that even mean!?
We need to count the number of "paths" of length *L* between the first and last nodes in a graph. In fact the title is a misnomer - since we can revisit nodes we are technically looking for the number of *L*-length *walks*. We are also given the adjacency matrix *M* that represents the graph.
There are 40 test cases, each usually larger than the last, and they must all be solved within 45 seconds. I suspect the modulo requirement is to avoid overflow, because the numbers get really large.
## Theory
After almost an hour of research I come across this theorem:

Source: https://people.cs.clemson.edu/~goddard/handouts/math8540/adjacencyNotes.pdf. The proof is pretty interesting too.
So when we compute for *M^L*, the answer is in in *M^L[0][N-1]*.
This is the most efficient solution I could find (and reasonably understand). Multiplication of two matrices costs *O(V^3)*, and [divide-and-conquer exponentiation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation_by_squaring) costs *O(logL)*. Thus the overall runtime of this solution is *O(V^3 logL)*.
This is superior to alternatives like DP-, DFS-, and BFS-based solutions which max at *O(V^2\*L)* runtime, This is important because *L* grows much faster as the graph gets larger. Even after exhausting code and compiler optimizations I could not get my DP solution to beat the time.
## Implementation
The code contains three broad things:
- Matrix multiplication function that respects modulo requirement
- Matrix exponentiation function that uses divide-and-conquer strategy
- Socket that can read and send data
### Matrix multiplication
# Matrix X * Matrix Y
def multiply_matrix(X, Y, N):
# Product matrix is also NxN
result = [[0 for i in xrange(N)] for j in xrange(N)]
for i in xrange(len(X)):
for j in xrange(len(Y[0])):
for k in xrange(len(Y)):
# Dot product
result[i][j] = (result[i][j] + X[i][k] * Y[k][j])%666013
return result
### Matrix exponentiation
# M^L by logarithmic recursion
from math import floor
def exp_matrix(M, L, N):
if(k == 1):
return M
P = exp_matrix(M, floor(L/2), N)
if (L%2==0):
return multiply_matrix(P, P, N)
return multiply_matrix(P, multiply_matrix(P, M, N), N)
### Socket
import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('challs.xmas.htsp.ro', 6053))
### Main program
def solve(M, L, N):
A = exp_matrix(M, L, N)
count = str(A[0][N-1])
print "Answer: " + count
return count+"\n"
def parse(data):
# Get number of nodes N
N = int(data[0].split(' = ')[1])
# Get length L
L = int(data[-1].split(' = ')[1])
M = map(lambda l: l.split(','), data[2:-2])
for i in xrange(N):
for j in xrange(N):
M[i][j] = int(M[i][j])
return solve(M, L, N)
data = s.recv(1024)
print data
for i in xrange(41):
buf = ""
while True:
data = s.recv(4096)
buf += data
if len(buf) > 0 and buf.split("\n")[-2] == '':
print buf
if i == 0:
data = buf.split("\n")[1:-2]
data = buf.split("\n")[2:-2]
payload = parse(data)
I ran this with [PyPy2.7](https://www.pypy.org/).
## Flag