
# Break In 2016 - I have the power

**Category:** Web
**Points:** 100
**Solves:** 30

> Go to the right places and don't make any mistakes.
> (Right Places is a link to the contest page)

## Write-up

by [ParthKolekar](https://github.com/ParthKolekar)

The request handler source code (in python) is as follows

def is_power2(num):
return num != 0 and ((num & (num - 1)) == 0)

def challenges(request, param):
FLAG = 'Flag: TriColour'
if 'seq_count' not in request.session:
request.session['seq_count'] = []
elif request.session['seq_count'] == 'Done':
return HttpResponse(FLAG)
if len(request.session['seq_count']) > 9:
request.session['seq_count'] = 'Done';
return HttpResponse(FLAG)
l = request.session['seq_count']
i = int(param)
if is_power2(i):
if i not in l:
request.session['seq_count'] = l
return HttpResponse("+1, " + str(len(l)))
return HttpResponse("+0, " + str(len(l)))
except ValueError:
request.session['seq_count'] = []
return HttpResponse("+0, 0")

Reading the source it is obvious what you have to do to get the flag.
You have to make a request having a param having a value which is a
power of two.

On making a request with param not a power of two, the id resets.
The link in the question statement was a request to this controller with
the parameter 1.

This is shown by the output

+0, 0

If you have entered a number which is a power of 2, then the response is

+1, <number of power of 2 entered>

if the number has not been given already or

+0, <number of power of 2 entered>

if the number given is already given.

On giving any 9 numbers, the flag is unlocked and the session is edited to
always give you the flag.

## Other write-ups and resources

* none yet

Original writeup (https://github.com/ctfs/write-ups-2016/tree/master/breakin-ctf-2016/web/i-have-the-power-100).