
# Break In 2016 - make_pair

**Category:** Steganography
**Points:** 200
**Solves:** 5

> If you add the rainbow and get a couple, then you are good to go else you need one more.
> ![Attached Image](image.png)

## Write-up

by [ParthKolekar](https://github.com/ParthKolekar)

As the question suggests, if you add the rainbow (R, G, B components of the image), and you
get a couple (even pairity), then you are good to go, else you need one more (mark it odd pairity).

If you perform a pairity check over all the elements of this image, you will end up with a 3d vector
of even and odd pairities.

Print this out as an image, mapping both in different colors. You end up with the following image

![Attached Image](shaktimaan.jpg)

This image is compressed for space. You can extract the orginal from the source image.

The flag is `shaktimaan`

## Other write-ups and resources

* none yet

Original writeup (https://github.com/ctfs/write-ups-2016/tree/master/breakin-ctf-2016/steganography/make-pair-200).