# Break In 2016 - Three Thieves Threw Trumpets Through Trees
**Category:** Steganography
**Points:** 100
**Solves:** 70
> Link: [Here](image1.jpg)
## Write-up
by [ParthKolekar](https://github.com/ParthKolekar)
The question contains a link to an `image` which is not an image at all.
`file` command show that it is actually a wav file.
The audio needs to be reversed and slowed down. You can then hear the
Felicity Co-ordinator Vivek saying "the password is abracadabra".
The password goes in reference to the Felicity '16 theme "Where magic happens".
The title is a tongue twister and hints that the content is audio.
## Other write-ups and resources
* <http://h4ckx0re-ctf-crew.co.nf/2016/01/27/break-in-2016-ctf-three-thieves-threw-trumpets-through-trees-100-pts/>
* <https://github.com/objEEdump/breakin/tree/master/three_thieves>