Tags: welcome 


# Syskron Cyber Security CTF [team](https://ctftime.org/team/137058)

## About

**Duration:** 21st Oct, 2020 02:00 CEST - 26th Oct, 2020 01:00 CEST


>The 2020 Syskron Security CTF event is a free online cyber security competition for everyone. This year's CTF event features an original background story! You act as a cyber security professional, working for a Czech manufacturing company.

>We provide 20 challenges focused on industrial security (all levels of difficulty). Most challenges are derived from real-world security problems, so you have fun and learn about actual cyber security!

**Website:** [ctf2020.syskron-security.com](https://ctf2020.syskron-security.com/)

## Conclusion

_to be written_

## Index

* **Welcome**
* [20pts - Welcome Letter](Welcome%20Letter/README.md)
* **Monday**
* [100pts - Security headers](Security%20headers/README.md)
* [100pts - Redacted news](Redacted%20news/README.md)
* [100pts - DOS Attack](DOS%20Attack/README.md)
* **Tuesday**
* [200pts - Change](Change/README.md)
* [200pts - Leak audit](Leak%20audit/README.md)
* **Wednesday**
* [300pts - Key generator](Key%20generator/README.md)

Original writeup (https://github.com/lightningsarp/CTF-Players/tree/master/2020/Syskron%20Security%20CTF).