
# Mysterious RSA
> 350 points

## Description
> We found [this mysterious website](https://metaproblems.com/8b2797bf7f420d5ad92e60ba064a55a1/index.php), and we think it's trying to say something, but we're
> having trouble figuring it out. It appears to be broadcasting the same message over and over again like a sort of modern day number station. We're pretty sure
> the message is encrypted with RSA. Could you take a crack at it?

> **Hint : Same message is being broadcasted...**

## Solution
The link takes us to a website which gives random `N`, `E` and `C` **[ where N = modulus, E = public exponent, C = Ciphertext ]**.

They also hinted us that they are encrypting the `message` with different `N` and `E`.

This leads to the famous [Håstad's broadcast attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coppersmith%27s_attack#H%C3%A5stad%27s_broadcast_attack) where we need to
collect `E` ciphertexts to perform this attack.

### Collection of Ciphers

Here's the [python script](collect.py) that I used to grab the ciphertexts from that site.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# https://metaproblems.com/8b2797bf7f420d5ad92e60ba064a55a1/index.php

import requests as r
import re

file = open('data.txt', 'w')
for i in range(1000):
res = r.get("https://metaproblems.com/8b2797bf7f420d5ad92e60ba064a55a1/index.php").text
stripped = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', res).split('\n\n') # regex to get only N, E, C
print(f"Collected {i+1}")

n = stripped[0]
e = stripped[1]
ct = stripped[2]

# store the N, C pairs in diff files with filename E
with open(e[2:]+'.txt', 'a') as f:

### The Attack
I found a script on Github and modified it for the Attack. Download the [0x43.txt](https://github.com/t3rmin0x/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/MetaCTF%20CyberGames%202020/crypto/Mysterious%20RSA/%200x43.txt) file to test.

Script : [hastad-attack.py](hastad-attack.py)

author : MxRy - 2016 - Hastad's attack python2
import math
import functools
import gmpy2

# Get the Flag (only for CTFs)
def ReverseX(x, e) :
m = gmpy2.iroot(x, e)[0]
size = int(math.log(m, 10) + 1)
print("Flag : \n"+"".join([chr((m >> j) & 0xff) for j in reversed(range(0, size << 3, 8))]))
return 1

# Step-by-step CRT implementation (cf. demo precedente)
def CrtComputation(C_i, N_i) :
mu = list()
nu = list()
e = list()
(x_i, N) = (0, 1)
Calcul mu_i = PI_(j=1,j!=i)^k(n_j)
N = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a*b, N_i)
for n_i in N_i :
Calcul nu_i inverse modulo n_i des mu_i
useful link :
for mu_i, n_i in zip(mu, N_i) :
nu.append(gmpy2.invert(mu_i, n_i))
Calcul e_i = nu_i * mu_i
for mu_i, nu_i in zip(mu, nu) :
Calcul et retour de x
for e_i, a_i in zip(e, C_i) :
x_i += e_i*a_i
x = x_i % N
return x

def HastadAttack(C, N, e):
x = CrtComputation(C, N)
return ReverseX(x, e)

def main():
C = []
N = []
e = 0x43

with open(" 0x43.txt", "r") as f:
lines = f.read().split('\n')
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if i <= e*2-1:
if line[0] == 'N':
N.append(int(line[3:], 16))
C.append(int(line[3:], 16))
HastadAttack(C, N, e)

if __name__ == "__main__":

## Flag
> **MetaCTF{WoW_y0U_Sur3_L!ke_youR_CRT_Att@ck5!}**

Original writeup (https://github.com/t3rmin0x/CTF-Writeups/tree/master/MetaCTF%20CyberGames%202020/crypto/Mysterious%20RSA#mysterious-rsa).