Rating: 4.5
# Bashing My Head
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This program won't let me get in! It says im not a bot, but I believe I am! I think so, because I can't solve captchas. Are you bot level brain?
nc cyberyoddha.baycyber.net 10006
- YoshiBoi#2008
Ok... this essentially was a scripting challenge ^^.
Once you actually connected via `netcat` you could see that you had to complete some sort of quiz in order to retrieve the flag.
You can find our final python script that solves the quiz [here](./solve.py), but here's a short explanation of how you can solve the individual questions:
* **Quick, decrypt this: _some_base64_!**
Ok this one wasn't to complicated ... You simply had to decode the base64 string and return the result.
* **Supa ez. Is it possible for p to equal _some_number_? [y/n]**
All you had to do on this one was to check, whether or not the provided _some_number_ is prime. If it is, return `y` otherwise `n`.
* **Quick give me the p and q (where p < q) values for when n is _some_number_!**
Calculate and return _some_number_'s prime factors. Be mindful that you have to return them individually.
* **Now tell me if it is possible for n to equal _some_number_! [y/n]**
Simply check, whether or not the given _some_number_ has exactly two primefactors.
* **Tell me ϕ whe n is _some_number_!**
Calculate the given _some_number_'s prime factors (p and q) and then use those two to calculate phi with: `ϕ = (p-1) * (q-1)`.
* **Is it possible for ϕ to be _some_number_ when e is _some_other_number_? [y/n]**
Check, whether or not _some_number_ and _some_other_number_ are co-prime, i.e. their greatest common divisor is 1.
_Answering this question was a bit buggy sometimes, so... you might have to try more than once ... ^^_
If you implemented all the questions and answers above, nothing could stop you from getting the flag (assuming that you ran the script often enough ... ^^): `CYCTF{tru3_1337_b4$h!ng_t@13nt_r1ght_h3r3}`