Tags: reverse-engineering rot13 


# YayRev

## Task

Let’s brush up sum pythan skillz… (no flag wrapper)

File: yayrev.py

## Solution

This one is a bit harder to understand:

proficuous =flag
saxicolous = [ord(excogitate) for excogitate in proficuous]
ebullient = (saxicolous[-5:]); import random
second = (saxicolous[:-5])
sesquipedalian = ''.join(map(chr,ebullient)) + ''.join(map(chr,second))

vravar = ''.join([chr(permutation.islower() and ((ord(permutation) - 84) % 26) + 97
or permutation.isupper() and ((ord(permutation) - 52) % 26) + 65
or ord(permutation))
for permutation in sesquipedalian])

auspicious = []
for luminescent in vravar:

for cupidity in range(200):
second = []
print( "mac>>>[" + str(auspicious.index(superabundant)) + "] " + "== " + "\"" + superabundant + "\"" + " and")

1. The last 5 chars are moved to the start

2. Something happens

3. The joined chars are moved into a list

4. 200 Random values are chosen from that list and we get their index and value

The 200 outputs are given so lets clean that up with a regex and do a `sort -u`. We now have only 18 values.

We need to reverse step 2 now.

for c in [
chr(c.islower() and ((ord(c) - 84) % 26) + 97
or c.isupper() and ((ord(c) - 52) % 26) + 65
or ord(c))
for c in flagSwapped]:

At first I didn't realize this, but it's just ROT13. If it's not upper or lowercase we just take the char.

>>> chr((ord("Z") - 52) % 26 + 65)
>>> chr((ord("A") - 52) % 26 + 65)

All we have to do now:

import codecs
print(codecs.encode(''.join(crypt[5:]) + ''.join(crypt[:5])), 'rot_13')


Original writeup (https://github.com/klassiker/ctf-writeups/blob/master/2020/cyberyoddha/reverse-engineering/yayrev.md).