Tags: vulnerability
#### Original Writeup - [https://github.com/CTSecUK/Syskron-Security-CTF-2020/blob/main/Write-ups/Vulnerable%20RTOS.md](https://github.com/CTSecUK/Syskron-Security-CTF-2020/blob/main/Write-ups/Vulnerable%20RTOS.md)
# Vulnerable RTOS
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## Details
Again i started with a google search with some of the text from the description. "name of 11 zero-day vulnerabilities"
Looking through the search results on google and reading some of the articles, people are not really referenceing the 11 vulnerabuilites as 1 specific name.\
Until i found this link:-
**Urgent/11** stood out to me on this webpage
So i tried the flag: ***syskronCTF{URGENT/11}***