Tags: sql sqlite3
# Leak audit
## Task
We found an old dump of our employee database on the dark net! Please check the database and send us the requested information:
- How many employee records are in the file?
- Are there any employees that use the same password? (If true, send us the password for further investigation.)
- In 2017, we switched to bcrypt to securely store the passwords. How many records are protected with bcrypt?
Flag format: answer1_answer2_answer3 (e.g., 1000_passw0rd_987).
File: BB-inDu57rY-P0W3R-L34k3r2.tar.gz
Tags: sql
## Solution
First we need to extract the file:
$ tar xfv BB-inDu57rY-P0W3R-L34k3r2.tar.gz
We now have a `BB-inDu57rY-P0W3R-L34k3r2.db` file:
$ file BB-inDu57rY-P0W3R-L34k3r2.db
BB-inDu57rY-P0W3R-L34k3r2.db: SQLite 3.x database, last written using SQLite version 3033000
We can use the `sqlitebrowser` or the command line utility `sqlite3` to browse the data.
$ sqlite3 BB-inDu57rY-P0W3R-L34k3r2.db
sqlite> .tables
sqlite> .schema personal
CREATE TABLE personal (
surname varchar(23) NOT NULL,
givenname varchar(20) NOT NULL,
streetaddress varchar(100) NOT NULL,
city varchar(100) NOT NULL,
zipcode varchar(15) NOT NULL,
password varchar(25) NOT NULL,
birthday varchar(10) NOT NULL
First part: How many employee records are in the file?
sqlite> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM personal;
Second part: Are there any employees that use the same password?
sqlite> SELECT password FROM personal GROUP BY password HAVING COUNT(*) > 1;
Third part: How many records are protected with bcrypt?
sqlite> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM personal WHERE password LIKE '$2b$%';
You could also do this with unix-tools:
$ sqlite3 BB-inDu57rY-P0W3R-L34k3r2.db 'SELECT password FROM personal;' > pws.txt
$ wc -l pws.txt
376 pws.txt
$ sort pws.txt | uniq -d
$ grep '^\$2b\$' pws.txt | wc -l