Tags: sql
#### Original Writeup - [https://github.com/CTSecUK/Syskron-Security-CTF-2020/blob/main/Write-ups/Leak%20Audit.md](https://github.com/CTSecUK/Syskron-Security-CTF-2020/blob/main/Write-ups/Leak%20Audit.md)

## Details

After downloading and extracting the file we see a .db extension, running the file command on it confirms it's a SQLLite Database.
>$ file BB-inDu57rY-P0W3R-L34k3r2.db
BB-inDu57rY-P0W3R-L34k3r2.db: SQLite 3.x database, last written using SQLite version 3033000
I'm much more comfortable with MySQL so i head to the website [RebaseData.com](https://www.rebasedata.com/convert-sqlite-to-mysql-online) to convert it.

I download the converted file, move it from my Downloads folder and unzip it.
>$ mv ~/Downloads/result.zip .
>$ unzip result.zip
Archive: result.zip
inflating: data.sql
Next we need to create a blank MySQL databse to write the dumped database into;
>$ sudo mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 4
Server version: 10.5.5-MariaDB Arch Linux
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE leak_audit;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.000 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> exit
Back at eth command prompt we can import the database like below;
>$ sudo mysql -p leak_audit < data.sql
Enter password:
Now we head back into mysql client and select the database;
>$ sudo mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 9
Server version: 10.5.5-MariaDB Arch Linux
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]> use leak_audit;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
OK, Next Lets have a look at what tables are in the database;
MariaDB [leak_audit]> show tables;
| Tables_in_leak_audit |
| personal |
| sqlite_sequence |
2 rows in set (0.000 sec)
That's nice and simple and we're only interested in the "personal" table, so lets try outputing a few rows to see what the data looks like;
MariaDB [leak_audit]> select * from personal LIMIT 5;
| number | surname | givenname | streetaddress | city | zipcode | password | birthday |
| 1 | Beck | Josef | U Parku 1120 | Dívcice | 373 48 | xenia5AhQu | 8/29/1989 |
| 9 | Jaroš | František | Lomená 482 | Plavec u Znojma | 671 32 | uvaiK2ch | 5/5/1962 |
| 17 | Smékalová | Jana | Hájecká 1528 | Lidice | 273 54 | iMagh0tae4e | 4/13/1992 |
| 25 | Mrózková | Tereza | Partyzánská 549 | Rasošky | 552 21 | Bi8iSha9 | 10/2/1974 |
| 33 | Parák | Libor | Družstevní 1694 | Rakvice | 691 03 | ni2uBot4ey | 9/22/1984 |
5 rows in set (0.000 sec)
So the first bit of info we need to find to build our flag is the "**number of employee records in the file**". We can find this like so;
MariaDB [leak_audit]> select count(number) from personal;
| count(number) |
| 376 |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)
So now we have the first part of our flag, next we need look for "**duplicate passwords**". We can do this with the below SQL query;
MariaDB [leak_audit]> SELECT password, COUNT(password) FROM personal GROUP BY password HAVING COUNT(password) > 1;
| password | COUNT(password) |
| mah6geiVoo | 2 |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)
The final piece of information we need to look for is "**passwords protected with bcrypt**".
I happen to know that BCrypt hashes start with ` $2a$` or `$2b$` but if you didn't know this then a quick check on google will easily reveal this information;
MariaDB [leak_audit]> SELECT * FROM personal where password LIKE "$2a$% OR password LIKE "$2b$%";
| number | surname | givenname | streetaddress | city | zipcode | password | birthday |
| 2841 | Horváth | Petr | Jiráskova 450 | Predmerice nad Jizerou | 294 74 | $2b$10$/dd1tLbClIU85/pkthZvee9NvDvOYADy6/iSXGIEQxSVAhvRSASj6 | 3/10/1975 |
| 2849 | Svoboda | Aleš | U Křížku 648 | Habartice u Frýdlantu | 463 73 | $2b$10$pNw9RC6ZRQgmEqOfc.wJ5.viFuoisuN0qDk/vPJwByGc61uOPdhqu | 1/29/1993 |
| 2857 | Lebedová | Pavlína | Louny 423 | Louny 1 | 440 01 | $2b$10$H7eXD6v6e8k69.n80zwuC.d/DwkMx3KBcysW/t/sWVV.jNnwUsNOK | 8/19/1977 |
| 2865 | Volf | Aleš | Českého odboje 1084 | Pardubice 2 | 530 02 | $2b$10$RK7/J20lpsYKI5XwaQRfFuuDD7dco3pdriuHqW2rGQJhdZNxh27Tm | 3/3/1984 |
| 2873 | Králová | Veronika | Jičín 1466 | Jicín 1 | 506 01 | $2b$10$5vU.ciW1T8sRSn9UmrWuRe3caFv3Qf5ZPhQ88pJWjME2mcjIPAksS | 5/27/1971 |
| 2881 | Veselá | Jiřina | U Parku 1191 | Hluboká nad Vltavou | 373 41 | $2b$10$Aa2NmhGgZ54MVzbO7TFfXuLTKLnZqSRymkaAzUcFdySUtE/obSHhu | 3/3/1997 |
| 2889 | Kubeš | Tomáš | Bezručova 1306 | Sudkov | 788 21 | $2b$10$dAJ0Luxo/aWSI4EJm7Fage.aFYeUadmKP1yz1nz9BwBYdU86gTSKy | 2/8/1995 |
| 2897 | Pavlík | Mario | Za humny 431 | Bernartice u Milevska | 398 43 | $2b$10$5VRLne6dbC.qgBrnj9AFTeXpWn6Hkiv2UIUepqCChNOE2YmMCp5qm | 4/21/1966 |
| 2905 | Novotný | Jiří | V Aleji 1886 | Cheb 2 | 350 02 | $2b$10$MuQfDGPfyyQcXgUocF6Le.CADib1eZLonuQQ0HJFMsCCII//qIqNa | 1/12/1996 |
| 2913 | Stuchlík | Jiří | Mlýnská 998 | Ždár nad Sázavou 1 | 591 01 | $2b$10$PaOeIQLIylepTFWHO9YEmeDfrdS1qrl2t9WjPi/vmj8poQrBcqhyO | 2/9/1967 |
| 2921 | Kabourek | Pavel | Jana Nerudy 1172 | Horka u Staré Paky | 512 34 | $2b$10$7KhXRvT05s2UG7dbol93tu/l.XAZto42/Uk8.jx67HOwNkaKX0h7O | 11/20/1977 |
| 2929 | Petr | Jiří | Na Výsluní 1583 | Planá u Mariánských Lázní | 348 15 | $2b$10$IQpy9/a0OEXTf359F6fHhOB4mrHvT/eN.0cqVCiqN4usBoTy6rmQa | 4/19/1986 |
| 2937 | Veselá | Jaroslava | Klímova 206 | Zruc nad Sázavou 1 | 285 22 | $2b$10$UGuvppmaOjpvrIBwwIzl8./89b6sSq9klPogIbHYvIXF13uHqAR/6 | 4/30/1969 |
| 2945 | Pražák | Antonín | Lesní 1738 | Jablonné nad Orlicí | 561 64 | $2b$10$W301rAhAVwXxpuc4CDr/GOzaLac89vmww/pGTXSmU3PpZYQLvRLr6 | 1/2/1962 |
| 2953 | Lisa | Michal | Školní 1488 | Kaplice 1 | 382 41 | $2b$10$1YdjEQ97.itIoDM3WQLBZORGQJuekq6OYFwaB6actkNzJZyU3ZFUy | 4/24/1964 |
| 2961 | Tomešková | Jana | Žerotínova 1461 | Havlíckuv Brod 1 | 580 01 | $2b$10$kF.RvjmgSAsr2n1Hqinan.Q/U0qCI/vmRWLQnd/SzIk03F5O4PSfm | 7/26/1990 |
| 2969 | Hynková | Pavlína | Luční 254 | Bystrice nad Pernštejnem | 593 01 | $2b$10$OcMJ7tVeq1DPp5.kMEc1dOUoGv80K1md.htz9ono8CKgUwhpVZzWe | 8/13/1991 |
| 2977 | Drechslerová | Blanka | Bratří Čapků 1108 | Bílá Tremešná | 544 72 | $2b$10$qBUASyayom2M2YPwYXjXquRD4aQPC8An0T5cN3qZRtaqU6b0ZrJJ6 | 6/25/1983 |
| 2985 | Dlouhý | Josef | Družstevní 789 | Smecno | 273 05 | $2b$10$E2xOyW.c.StyCHjK5auzeOvN4j4cavd/OjrY/4gK8LyQ0/pSNFzli | 1/23/2001 |
| 2993 | Krkoška | Tomáš | Suhrady 1236 | Hat u Hlucína | 747 16 | $2b$10$qetsy5COAW9/zlUBLgXdkeHKKzq0E86vudbAoyevmQRdDt3Mcq4TK | 8/24/1958 |
| 3001 | Kukačka | Michal | Václava Haňky 1198 | Rajhrad | 664 61 | $2b$10$H7bpJOSIguADfqQ/QJWEn.mXgOhmpKU83ycvyIENiChHarlPn0oa2 | 11/16/1960 |
21 rows in set (0.001 sec)
So now we have the count of 21 records, we have all the info needed to submit the flag.
Putting all the information tother we get a flag of;