
# [Original writeup](https://joyce.fyi/posts/bo1lers-bootcamp-2020/#needle-in-a-haystack)
The challenge provided us with a link to a ZIP file. Once downloaded and unzipped, there were 400 text files inside (i.e., not ideal for manual searching). I used `grep` to try and look for which file contained `flag{` (and really really hoped it was in plaintext).
$ grep "flag{" -R .

Thankfully it was in plaintext - and I got the flag!

**Flag**: flag{y0u_f0unD_Th3_n33d1e!}
**Tools**: [`grep`](https://linux.die.net/man/1/grep)

Original writeup (https://joyce.fyi/posts/bo1lers-bootcamp-2020/#needle-in-a-haystack).