
# bakflip&sons (crypto, 925p, 14 solved)

## Description

In the task we get access to a remote service running some [code](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TFNS/writeups/master/2020-07-31-InCTF/backflip/bakflips.py)

## Analysis

The code is basically running weird ECDSA signature oracle.
We can submit messages to sign and we can provide a bitmask, which is used to derive public key point.
There is a `101` bit `secret` private key, and public key point is created as `secret ^ mask * G`.

We can interact with the oracle 71 times.

The goal is to sign a special message `please_give_me_the_flag`, which normally the service rejects.

In general there are 2 approaches in tasks like this:

- Some sort of blinding attack, where you sign N messages and combine signatures to get signature of the target message. This works for homomorphic schemes like textbook RSA.
- Recover the secret key

In our case ECDSA is definitely not allowing for the fist case, unless we could find SHA1 collision with the target message.
This leaves option 2.

## Solution

### Recover public key point

Key thing to notice here is that it's possible to recover public key point from just the signature and message.
Ot at least recover a bunch of candidate keys, one of which will be valid.
It's even in the library they're using:

keys = VerifyingKey.from_public_key_recovery(signature, message, NIST192p)

This means if we provide `mask = 0` we can get `secret * G`, and `G` is constant for the curve.
We can't recover `secret` from that, because this is discrete logarithm over ECC.

### Flip!

#### LSB case

Notice what happens when we provide `mask = 1`.
Now if we sign the same message, and recover the public key points, we will get point `secret^1 * G`.

This can mean only 2 cases:

- If originally LSB of secret was 0, now it was flipped to 1 and thus `secret^1 == secret+1` and therefore `secret^1 * G == secret*G + G`
- If originally LSB of secret was 1, now it was flipped to 0 and thus `secret^1 == secret-1` and therefore `secret^1 * G == secret*G - G`

Notice that since we know `secret*G` and `G` we can easily verify which case this is!
We can just compare `secret^1 * G` with `secret*G + G` and `secret*G - G`, and one of the has to match.
This way we can leak the LSB of `secret`.

#### Extension

It's not difficult to see that this method easily extends for more bits.
We can provide a 2-bit mask and test all possible cases:

- `secret^0b11 == secret + 1`
- `secret^0b11 == secret - 1`
- `secret^0b11 == secret + 2`
- `secret^0b11 == secret - 2`
- `secret^0b11 == secret + 3`
- `secret^0b11 == secret - 3`

This works for any number of bits, but we need some computation, so it's better to limit this to maybe 8 at a time - we have 70 requests to spare anyway!

Notice we can also extend this to skip some lower bits we already know, by sending `0` in bitmask for positions we're not interested in, because this particular bits won't be flipped and there is no reason to test for that:

- `secret^0b110 == secret + 2`
- `secret^0b110 == secret - 2`
- `secret^0b110 == secret + 4`
- `secret^0b110 == secret - 4`
- `secret^0b110 == secret + 6`
- `secret^0b110 == secret - 6`

### Solver:

We put the ideas above into code:

def recover_bits(oracle, bits_to_guess, start_bit):
message = "alamakota"
signature = oracle(message, 0)
reference_keys = VerifyingKey.from_public_key_recovery(signature, message, NIST192p)
reference_points = [ref_key.pubkey.point for ref_key in reference_keys]
secret_mask = int('1' * bits_to_guess + '0' * start_bit, 2)
signature = oracle(message, secret_mask)
flipped_keys = VerifyingKey.from_public_key_recovery(signature, message, NIST192p)
for key in flipped_keys:
for reference_point in reference_points:
for option in itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=bits_to_guess):
mods = [m * 2 ** (i + start_bit) for i, m in enumerate(option)]
point_modification = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [m * NIST192p.generator for m in mods])
if key == VerifyingKey.from_public_point(reference_point + point_modification):
# -1 means we flipped bit from 1 to 0
# 1 means we flipped by from 0 to 1
result = "".join(['1' if k == -1 else '0' for k in option][::-1])
print('recovered chunk ', result)
return result

We can easily verify this with a sanity check:

secret_multiplier = random.getrandbits(101)

def fake_oracle(message, secret_mask):
secret = secret_multiplier ^ secret_mask
signingKey = SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(secret)
signature = signingKey.sign(message)
return signature

def sanity2():
bits_step = 8
res = ''
for start_bit in range(0, 101, bits_step):
recovered = recover_bits(fake_oracle, bits_step, start_bit)
res = recovered + res
assert int(res, 2) == secret_multiplier

## Get the flag

Now we can just plug this in:

def PoW(suffix, digest):
for prefix in itertools.product(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, repeat=4):
p = "".join(prefix)
if hashlib.sha256(p + suffix).hexdigest() == digest:
return p

def real_oracle(s, message, mask):
send(s, "1")
x = receive_until(s, ":")
send(s, message)
x = receive_until(s, ":")
send(s, str(mask))
x = receive_until(s, "\n")
signature = re.findall("Signature: (.*)", x)[0].strip()
x = receive_until(s, "#")
return signature.decode("hex")

def main():
host = ""
port = 9999
s = nc(host, port)
task = receive_until(s, ":")
task = re.findall("XXXX\+(.*)\) == (.*)", task)[0]
p = PoW(task[0], task[1])
send(s, p)
x = receive_until(s, "#")

bits_step = 8
res = ''
for start_bit in range(0, 102, bits_step):
recovered = recover_bits(lambda msg, mask: real_oracle(s, msg, mask), bits_step, start_bit)
print(start_bit, recovered)
res = recovered + res
print('secret', res)
secret = int(res, 2)
signingKey = SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(secret)
forged = signingKey.sign("please_give_me_the_flag")
send(s, "3")
send(s, forged.encode("hex"))

And recover: `inctf{i_see_bitflip_i_see_family}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/TFNS/writeups/blob/master/2020-07-31-InCTF/backflip/README.md).