
Writeup for Free Games Forensics Writeup:

Description of the challenge:


From the description we need to search for a url based on downloads.Autopsy is a very good tool that link web downloads and also has a keyword search for making it ease.

I am gonna use this autopsy tool in windows version.Lets open the tool.

Click on New Case


Give a case name and directory in which the case files are gonna be stored and click Next.


These are optional information which can u skip by not filling any fields and clicking finish.


As we have file that is of EWF file format select disk image or VM file and select Next.


Select the file in the select data source and if you want to ignore the orphan files click the check box below it .


Select the modules you want to add for analying the disk image file .Most of the modules are already selected for user's comfort and click Next.


This image shows that file has been added successfully and also ready for doing forensics


In the left side you can see different options that can used for analyzing this disk image.The Web downloads looks interesting as the description says it as a downloaded file.Let's look out there..


Okk from the downloads among media files there is a zip file called PencakSilat that can be a game let's try a google search on the game.


Google searched confirmed that this name belongs to a game and from the above image we can see full url to the game


Okk let's enclose the url into the darkCTF{} and submit the flag ..

The flag for the challenge is darkCTF{http://aries.dccircle34.com/realitydownloadgo/c4d37739ca3dc3ed2d4852395d5ed228/784b4647446e334c58556e5473326556422e624f612e51432e4a6472/2019/07/31/PencakSilat2_1.zip}

Original writeup (https://github.com/vital-information-resource-under-siege/DarkCTF-Writeups/blob/master/Free%20Games/README.md).