Tags: rev
Rating: 3.0
# DarkCTF 2020
## rev/c_maths
> 44 solves / 465 points
> Author: p3t4j0n
> Description: Clearly u know some C programming and a bit of maths right...? Note: Enclose the flag within darkCTF{} There are 3 parts to the flag.
> `nc cmaths.darkarmy.xyz 7001`
> [c_maths](c_maths)
Tags: _rev_ _x86-64_ _strcmp_
## Summary
Classic _compare_ reverse.
This binary will prompt for three inputs. The first is the first part of the flag (string), the second is a number that if correct will emit the second part of the flag, the third and final part of the flag is just like the second--put in the right digits and get the final part of the flag.
> Credit to teammate [dobs](https://github.com/dobsonj/ctf/tree/master/writeups) for handing me the analysis--I just had to automate.
> Oh, and _no_ maths required.
## Analysis
### Decompile with Ghidra
> Only the interesting bits.
tVar2 = time((time_t *)0x0);
This problem changes every second. But since we all use the same clocks (UTC seconds), this is not an issue at all.
local_95[local_20] = '\0';
__n = strlen(local_95);
iVar1 = strncmp(local_95,local_9c,__n);
if (iVar1 != 0) {
The first compare. We just need to know what `local_95` is. If we highlight the `local_95[local_20] = '\0';` line, the corresponding disassembly highlights as:
001013bf c6 84 05 MOV byte ptr [RBP + RAX*0x1 + -0x8d],0x0
73 ff ff
ff 00
Ignore that leading `001` from Ghidra, the instruction we're interested in setting a break point is at `0x13bf` and we want to read `local_95`. Remember that for later.
local_44 = (int)dVar4;
if (local_44 == local_cc) {
system("cat small_chunk.txt");
The second compare is an integer. Get this right and you get that sweet sweet _small chunk_.
The first line disassembly:
00101509 f2 0f 2c c0 CVTTSD2SI EAX,XMM0
0010150d 89 45 c4 MOV dword ptr [RBP + local_44],EAX
`local_44` is set by instruction `0x150d`; we'll set a breakpoint there to get the value directly from `EAX`.
local_50 = (int)uVar3;
local_58 = (double)(local_80 - local_78);
if ((local_50 != local_dc) || (5.00000000 <= local_58)) {
puts("Nothing for u here");
else {
system("cat big_chunk.txt");
Last compare, also integer, for the final chunk. There's a time check in here as well (5 second from start to end). Clearly the game master didn't want you manually using GDB to slog through this. No prob, we'll automate.
0010161c 89 45 b8 MOV dword ptr [RBP + local_50],EAX
Same as before, get the integer from `EAX` after setting a breakpoint at `0x161c`.
## Solve
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
binary = ELF('./c_maths')
r = remote('cmaths.darkarmy.xyz', 7001)
d = process(['gdb',binary.path])
d.sendlineafter('gdb) ','b *0x555555554000+0x13bf')
d.sendlineafter('gdb) ','b *0x555555554000+0x150d')
d.sendlineafter('gdb) ','b *0x555555554000+0x161c')
d.sendlineafter('gdb) ','r')
d.sendlineafter('gdb) ','x/s $rbp-0x95+8')
a1 = d.recvline().strip().split(b'"')[1]
d.sendlineafter('gdb) ','c')
d.sendlineafter('gdb) ','p/d $rax')
a2 = d.recvline().strip().split()[-1]
d.sendlineafter('gdb) ','c')
d.sendlineafter('gdb) ','p/d $rax')
a3 = d.recvline().strip().split()[-1]
d.sendlineafter('gdb) ','c')
d.sendlineafter('gdb) ','q')
log.info(b'sending: ' + a1)
for i in range(9): log.info(r.recvline())
log.info(b'sending: ' + a2)
for i in range(3): log.info(r.recvline())
log.info(b'sending: ' + a3)
Instead of reversing how `c_maths` works, just use GDB to get the values from the stack and registers.
From the top down, start the remote and local processes at the same time.
> There's a small probability you'll be off by a second. Just rerun. After 20 tests I had one failure.
Next, set all the break points. `0x555555554000` is the base process address for GDB x86_64 binaries (GDB is disabling PIE/ASLR), so just add that to the breakpoints.
At the first breakpoint get the string used in the string compare. `x/s $rbp-0x95+8` is that string. The `0x95` correlates to `local_95` from Ghidra--the distance from the return address. The `+8` translates the base to `rbp` (since it's 8 bytes above the return address).
At the second and third breakpoints return the value of `$rax` with `p/d` since we want a base-10 integer.
With all the answers in hand, just answer the questions and get the flag--_no maths required!_
# ./sol.py
[*] '/pwd/datajerk/darkctf2020/c_maths/c_maths'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
[+] Opening connection to cmaths.darkarmy.xyz on port 7001: Done
[+] Starting local process '/usr/bin/gdb': pid 8030
[*] Stopped process '/usr/bin/gdb' (pid 8030)
[*] b'sending: p1e8s3'
[*] b'299\n'
[*] b'3329\n'
[*] b'4232\n'
[*] b'2098\n'
[*] b'8098\n'
[*] b'8561\n'
[*] b'8815\n'
[*] b'154\n'
[*] b'7464\n'
[*] b'sending: 3331'
[*] b'_just_\n'
[*] b'\n'
[*] b'7418\n'
[*] b'sending: 2295273'
[*] b'give_me_the_flag\n'
Flag: `darkCTF{p1e8s3_just_give_me_the_flag}`