Tags: pwn
***Formating (Reversing)***
I opened this binary in gdb and keep an eye over the values which pushed into the stack.
And got the flag in hex format.(Decode it into String)
***shellthis (PWn)***
In this binary we have to just redirect the code execution.
Fristly, I calculated the EIP offset (after how many bytes I overflowed the buffer).
Then, Using the Pwntools I ma able to find the address of get_shell function.
Finally run the shellthis.py over the remote server of duc.tf
***rot-i (Crypto)***
As a hint We already know first 6 letter are 'DUCTF{'.
So, I calculated the jump for first letter to become D it is (21).
For 2nd letter it is (20), for next letter it is (19) and so on.....
I observed the pattern, And wrote a script to decrypt the cipher.
****Thank You****