Rating: 3.0
> Welcome to crypto. We start with the classics! Deliver the decrypted form of the message to the guard on your journey.
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import string
from pycipher import Bifid
ramblings = ['Mr. Jock, TV quiz PhD., bags few lynx', 'Two driven jocks help fax my big quiz.', 'Jock nymphs waqf drug vex blitz', 'Fickle jinx bog dwarves spy math quiz.', 'Crwth vox zaps qi gym fjeld bunk', 'Public junk dwarves hug my quartz fox.', 'Quick fox jumps nightly above wizard.', 'Hm, fjord waltz, cinq busk, pyx veg', 'phav fyx bugs tonq milk JZD CREW', 'Woven silk pyjamas exchanged for blue quartz.', 'The quick onyx goblin jumps over the lazy dwarf.', 'Foxy diva Jennifer Lopez wasn’t baking my quiche.', "he said 'bcfgjklmnopqrtuvwxyz'", 'Jen Q. Vahl: [email protected]', 'Brawny gods just flocked up to quiz and vex him.', 'Emily Q Jung-Schwarzkopf XTV, B.D.', 'My girl wove six dozen plaid jackets before she quit.', "John 'Fez' Camrws Putyx. IG: @kqBlvd", 'Q-Tip for SUV + NZ Xylem + DC Bag + HW?....JK!', 'Jumbling vext frowzy hacks pdq', 'Jim quickly realized that the beautiful gowns are expensive.', 'J.Q. Vandz struck my big fox whelp', 'How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts!', 'Lumpy Dr. AbcGQVZ jinks fox thew', 'Fake bugs put in wax jonquils drive him crazy.', 'The jay, pig, fox, zebra, and my wolves quack!', 'hey i am nopqrstuvwxzbcdfgjkl', 'Quiz JV BMW lynx stock derp. Agh! F.', 'Pled big czar junks my VW Fox THQ', 'The big plump jowls of zany Dick Nixon quiver.', 'Waltz GB quick fjords vex nymph', 'qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm', 'Cozy lummox gives smart squid who asks for job pen.', 'zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba', 'Few black taxis drive up major roads on quiet hazy nights.', 'a quick brown fx jmps ve th lzy dg', 'Bored? Craving a pub quiz fix? Why, just come to the Royal Oak!']
message = "snbwmuotwodwvcywfgmruotoozaiwghlabvuzmfobhtywftopmtawyhifqgtsiowetrksrzgrztkfctxnrswnhxshylyehtatssukfvsnztyzlopsv"
for i in ramblings:
new_ramb.append(i.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)).replace(" ","").lower())
msg = message
#Bifid cipher consist of a 25 letter
#Note that there is no 'j' in the key-square
for ramb in new_ramb[::-1]:
if len(ramb) < 27:
rambl = ramb.replace("j","")
msg = Bifid(rambl,5).decipher(msg)
print(L[-1].replace("x"," "))